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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 21, 2011 <br /> Page 24 <br /> Mr. Ever referenced Page 11 of Attachment C and his preference for option two <br /> for the pathway to avoid loss of any more of his front yard. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that Mr. Ever's objection was based on extending the path- <br /> way to the west past the borderline of his property to Merrill; and noted that this <br /> was not under consideration at this time, as confirmed by City Engineer Bloom. <br /> Jill Schwiff, 1233 Josephine Road <br /> Ms. Schwiff advised that residents dealt with ongoing traffic issues on Josephine <br /> Road every day; and asked that the City look at this and multi-family housing and <br /> future development around this particular area for impacts. Ms. Schwiff ques- <br /> tioned why County Road C-2 was ever closed in the first place; and opined that <br /> everyone needed to share the issue and not place the entire burden on residents on <br /> Josephine Road. Ms. Schwiff further questioned how construction traffic would <br /> be handled to avoid further negative impacts on the neighborhood and existing <br /> homeowners. <br /> Sheila Stokes, 2875 N Griggs (C-2 and Griggs) <br /> Ms. Stokes offered her perspective, as a resident of the home on the end of the <br /> County Road C-2 cul-de-sac, and her experiences with traffic coming down the <br /> hill at an excessive speed before turning onto Griggs; and addressed the signifi- <br /> cant amount of traffic along County Road C-2 to Cottontail Park; and the lack of <br /> sidewalks in the area. Ms. Stokes recognized the differing opinions for area resi- <br /> dents, but asked that people understand the speed with which people came over <br /> that hill. <br /> John Jacobson,2864 Fernwood Street (south part of C-2) <br /> Mr. Jacobson spoke in support of the project, opining that there would be nothing <br /> better to develop in that area than single-family homes. <br /> Mr. Jacobson provided his perspective on projected traffic increases in the area; <br /> reviewed statistics on daily average traffic in 1999 and 2009 data, and future driv- <br /> ing habits, and opined that those habits would change and be duly reflected. Mr. <br /> Jacobson noted the grade changes between Merrill Street and Fernwood Street on <br /> County Road C-2 and suggested additional review of safety issues based on that <br /> grade if and when County Road C-2 was put through. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, City Engineer Bloom responded to questions of the <br /> public related to traffic analysis of the additional projected 110 daily trips and <br /> their conservative nature based on current observations and modeling for future <br /> patterns; rationale for the assumptions used in the traffic study; current and pro- <br /> jected service levels at the five (5) intersections in the area; and review of the <br /> larger picture beyond the neighborhood in determining the acceptable service le- <br /> vels during peak traffic periods. Related to construction traffic, Ms. Bloom noted <br /> that the majority of that traffic would be using County Road C-2; and that addi- <br />