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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
4/26/2011 9:44:27 AM
Creation date
4/26/2011 9:29:35 AM
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Public Works Commission
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corners and the need to state that the jurisdiction can address those plantings to <br />ensure the public's safety (Page 4, Section 706.07, Lines 53 -54, as well as page <br />6); need to define who shall enforce those issues, noting an additional reference <br />later in the ordinance when a threat or hazard was determined (Page 3, Line 41- <br />42) and how that enforcement is coordinated at the staff level; need to verify the <br />references in this ordinance to those references to other ordinances (Page 4) with <br />staff's intent to do so when the final formatting is ready; the Street Tree Master <br />Plan now in place with the Parks and Recreation Commission currently updating <br />it to include a diversity of trees based on types of soil and other area <br />considerations and including recommendations for certain plantings in certain <br />areas to develop patterns and diversity and species Cion by section; and <br />completion of a tree audit. <br />Members asked that staff provide a copy of that Master plan for their reference, if <br />not accessible to them on the City's website. <br />Page 5 <br />Discussion included adding language for exceptions when directed by the City <br />Forester (Lines 13 -27); consider possible title change (Section D, Line 13) other <br />than "Abuse or Mutilization" or removal of #2 since it was already addressed <br />under Section E, Street Tree Permits; distinction between pruning and <br />professional trimming and the need to keep them in both sections; future revisions <br />of the ordinance when more than one reference is included and the potential for <br />error in revising both of those references; classification as "debris" for branches <br />no longer attached to the tree or shrub; City responses in the case of a storm <br />beyond that of citizens and how to determine responsibilities; additional <br />references to safety concerns addressed (Page 12); and without putting the City in <br />a liability situation by defining a response date certain; and putting an onus on <br />homeowners to keep trees and shrubs on their private property trimmed to avoid <br />interference on public pathways. <br />Page 6 <br />Discussion included noting that the vision triangle was addressed (Line 7, in <br />addition to Page 4, Section 706); vision triangles addressed in much detail in the <br />City's new Zoning Code; how and where citizens can find information referenced <br />(Lines 26 -29) and the need for the City's website to provide links to those <br />references and how citizens can identify various problems; and including a two <br />foot (2') horizontal buffers as well as vertical buffers (Line 46) from the edge of a <br />sidewalk; and abatement procedures for private property owners not in <br />compliance (Page 12). <br />Page 7 <br />Discussion included making the ordinance more generic rather than proscriptive <br />regarding stockpiling logs (Line 7); language to address shade tree pests, those <br />now known or those identified as pests in the future; and reporting of shade tree <br />pests (Lines 24 -26). <br />Page 3 of 9 <br />
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