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intercept version approved by the DNR, and whether Lake Owasso could be included for <br />assessment this year. <br />Mr. Petersen volunteered to check with Mr. Noonan to see if Lake Owasso could be added to the <br />2010 schedule for aquatic weed assessment at the direction of the GLWMO Board. Mr. Petersen <br />suggested that the costs for an assessment may be minimal for time and/or equipment. <br />Additional discussion included budget considerations and potential costs associated for Ramsey <br />County Environmental Services to perform the assessment on Lake Owasso this year, or whether <br />competitive bids should be sought from other qualified companies. <br />Member Westerberg moved, Member Eckman seconded authorizing Chair Ferrington and/or Mr. <br />Petersen to consult with Mr. Terry Noonan of Ramsey County Environmental Services to <br />determine if Lake Owasso was scheduled this year for an environmental assessment for either or <br />both Curly Leaf Pondweed or Eurasian Mill Foil, and if not to enter into a discussion of potential <br />costs as prelude to initiating an assessment this year. <br />Member Eckman suggested an amendment to the motion should be considered to obtain an <br />estimate from Ramsey County as well as several other services. No second was received. <br />Chair Ferrington sought clarification as to whether the Board was instructing him to draft a <br />Request for Proposals (RFP) for these services. Chair Ferrington advised that he had already <br />participated in several separate tours of area lakes this year, and noted that Curly Leaf infestation <br />is minimal, but that the Eurasian Mill Foil was growing significantly, and had started to be <br />fragmented by propellers of boats during the fishing season opener. A general consensus was <br />reached that an RFP could be developed and /or a study authorized if a propitious opportunity for <br />an assessment could be coordinated with Ramsey County Environmental Services. <br />Chair Ferrington expressed his interest in ensuring a transparent process be followed by the <br />GLWMO Board so the public could understand that Board actions are keeping their best fiscal <br />interests in mind. <br />Mr. Petersen clarified that Ramsey County is an active partner in management interests of area <br />lakes, and the public could be assured that this was a partnering opportunity rather than purely an <br />economic interaction. <br />Ayes: 3 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Motion carried. <br />Before moving the next agenda item, there was additional discussion again specific to the draft <br />2010 Work Plan. Discussion centered on Item 12, with additional discussion about advertising <br />the BMP program through City of Roseville community meetings, the annual Home and Garden <br />Fair, and any other available opportunities. <br />3 <br />