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City Council Resolutions
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:13:37 AM
Creation date
4/25/2005 12:05:11 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Ordering the Construction of Improvement No. ST-P-80-21 Under and Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429
Resolution Date Passed
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<br />6 <br /> <br />can understand why they have submitted a petition to have this <br />street improved, but I maintain that if you take and have those <br />patch crews do a job that they should, they would have been <br />perfectly happy with the street that they could have had and <br />if you allow these patch crews to fix up one street, two streets a <br />year well instead of just coming along and throwing this mix on <br />these places and leaving it there. They don't put any binder in <br />the holes, don't level it off and, in fact, after probably the <br />last scattering of hot mix that we had on our street, I was going <br />down the street and I met my neighbor and I said, what do you think <br />of the nepotism and he said it's despicable. This was the <br />description of the job that he thought was being done with your <br />patch crew and I'm all in favor of having a better street but I <br />don't think tl1at we need to go to the expense of putting in a <br />Class A or whatever kind of street that we have. <br /> <br />~AYOR DEMOS: What did you mean by nepotism? <br /> <br />MR. SCOTT: How many of those people that are working on those <br />crews are relatives of the people in the City Hall? Do you have <br />any idea. <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: As far as I know, there are no relatives. <br /> <br />~~YOR DEMOS: We have a policy against it. <br />MR. SCOTT: I apologize (inaudible). <br /> <br />r1AYOR DEMOS: If you know about it,you let us know because we <br />have a policy against it. <br /> <br />MR. SCOTT: I do think those people need some superv~s~on and <br />if that's what they need I think that rests on your shoulders. If <br />it's a union problem - Is it completely legal that we do this by <br />petition? Is tl1is a means of overriding the vote that was taken <br />in 1976 at Fairview? <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: There was no vote taken in 1976. There was a <br />petition taken by people and I won't go into great detail <br />(inaudible) I found four or five signatures coming out of a <br />home and if you want to (inaudible) you had minors signing who were <br />not property owners and there is no such thing in law as an <br />advisory vote of that nature. I want to make that very plain. <br />We can all tell you - we have people come and say why did you listen <br />to them. Why didn't you go ahead. <br /> <br />MR. SCOTT: You could have done this without those hearings. <br />You could have gone ahead with that in 1976. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: We had to hold hearings. <br />MR. SCOTT: But you did not have to abide by - <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: The petitions that were taken up were not legal, <br />were not fostered by the City Council, were in no way binding <br />(inaudible) . <br />
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