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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/27/2011 1:57:57 PM
Creation date
4/27/2011 1:53:54 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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366 Member Manzara noted the total cost differences between the two (2) proposals; however, she <br />367 opined that Mr. Petersen's provided a more realistic view of the Board's needs, but anticipated <br />368 the proposal may increase by year -end as operations continued. <br />369 <br />370 Chair Ferrington noted that the availability of day -to -day technical services would make or break <br />371 the Board's decision to stand on their own with a private contractor. <br />372 <br />373 Mr. Goodnature and Mr. Petersen were invited to return to the meeting in regular session at 6:48 <br />374 p.m. <br />375 <br />376 Chair Ferrington thanked both contractors for their courtesy in allowing the Board time to <br />377 discuss this important Board decision privately in order to give it careful consideration. <br />378 <br />379 Member Manzara moved, and Member Von De Linde seconded approval of the Proposal to <br />380 Provide Administrative and Support Services to the GLWMO in 2011 by Tom Petersen, <br />381 Independent Contractor, as presented November 30, 2010. <br />382 <br />383 Member Manzara noted that during their absence, members were discussing how the grant <br />384 search process worked; seeking assurances that in making this decision the GLWMO Board was <br />385 not losing any partnership opportunities with the RCD. <br />386 <br />387 Mr. Petersen opined that the one way for the GLWMO to remain successful was to partner with <br />388 other agencies having similar goals and their knowledge of legislation that provided those <br />389 leveraging opportunities; and that the more people the GLWMO networked with the more <br />390 successful they would be. Mr. Petersen expressed the hope that the GLWMO Board and he <br />391 would remain strong partners with the RCD. <br />392 <br />393 Mr. Goodnature opined that the ongoing relationship wasn't even a viable issue; advising that no <br />394 grants would be overlooked; and if opportunities for the RCD to partner with the GLWMO, it <br />395 would be a benefit for both parties. Mr. Goodnature noted that the RCD was constantly looking <br />396 for grants and relied heavily on partnership opportunities themselves. <br />397 <br />398 Member Manzara assured Mr. Goodnature that the GLWMO had used RCD services for a <br />399 number of projects, and it was the GLWMO Board's desire to continue that relationship, while <br />400 attempting to maintain an independent base. Member Manzara noted the difficulty she had <br />401 personally found in the past in defining information provided by Mr. Petersen depending on his <br />402 role as the GLWMO Board's Administrative Support staff and that of his role with the RCD. <br />403 Member Manzara opined that the perception of the Board's actions was important to the Board. <br />404 <br />405 Ayes:4 <br />406 Nays: 0 <br />407 Abstentions: 1 (Eckman) <br />408 Motion carried <br />409 <br />410 Mr. Petersen thanked the GLWMO Board for providing him this opportunity. <br />411 <br />9 <br />
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