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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 28, 2011 <br /> Page 14 <br /> Mayor Roe advised that he would like to break down the commissioner appoint- <br /> ment process into three (3) parts: Responding to Councilmember McGehee's gen- <br /> eral discussion prior to making appointments; the appointments themselves; and <br /> the entire process itself for future appointments and whether any changes were <br /> desired. <br /> General Comments on Commission Appointments <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted that her original questions on appointments to <br /> the Civil Service Commission had been answered by City Manager Malinen's re- <br /> sponse included in the meeting packet. Councilmember McGehee questioned <br /> how other individual Councilmembers determined their selections and their <br /> process for distribution of people on commissions. <br /> Mayor Roe advised that he attempted to balance commission membership in a va- <br /> riety of ways, including the applicants' general point of view and philosophy ex- <br /> pressed during the interview; demographic issues as much as possible; and ap- <br /> pointing someone who works well with others. <br /> Councilmember Willmus advised that he primarily based his appointment rank- <br /> ings on the interviews themselves; and noted that he had reviewed tapes of the in- <br /> terviews prior to tonight's meeting and was changing his opinion on several of his <br /> original appointment suggestions based on that further review. <br /> Councilmember McGehee advised that she was interested in whether to pick <br /> people with a strong emphasis in a particular field versus diversity; and noted, as <br /> an example, that the Planning Commission currently had no women serving, nor <br /> any small business interests; while two (2) of the applicants had a strong back- <br /> ground in planning and zoning. <br /> Mayor Roe advised that individual Councilmembers tended to take a number of <br /> those same factors into account; noting that it was difficult to weight expertise <br /> and experience versus new applicants; or renters versus homeowners. <br /> Ethics Commission (2 vacancies) <br /> Pust moved, Willmus seconded, appointment of Anne Collopy and Benjamin <br /> Lehman to the Ethics Commission for terms ending March 31, 2014. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that they were both very qualified, did well in the interview, and <br /> supported their appointment; and noted Ms. Collopy's present in the audience. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Pust; Willmus; McGehee; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> Human Rights Commission(2 vacancies) <br />