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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 28, 2011 <br /> Page 17 <br /> ties to serve the community, by contacting staff to get them plugged into their ap- <br /> propriate areas of interest. <br /> 13. Business Items—Presentations/Discussions (continued) <br /> a. Review City Council Work Plan <br /> City Manager Malinen provided a brief background on the development of the <br /> draft work plan (Attachment A), and staff's subsequent consolidation and catego- <br /> rization of individual comments, using the Imagine Roseville 2025 as a guide; and <br /> now seeking any additional revisions by the City Council to move forward with <br /> strategic planning and budgeting processes. <br /> Mayor Roe noted one correction in the RCA that the 59 recommendations were <br /> now only 46. Mayor Roe questioned the meaning of the asterisks on the list. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe for further clarification and foot noted as appropri- <br /> ate, City Manager Malinen advised that the asterisks referred to councilmember <br /> items, and that he would check with staff and provide that key on the future draft. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that the purpose of the City Council should be <br /> one of thinking about policy; and that in carefully reviewing the list, the City <br /> Council could begin to formulate some general areas for policy development, that <br /> would serve to be more productive and in line with the City Council's purpose, as <br /> well as more helpful to staff in having a set policy from which to work. <br /> Mayor Roe advised that a number of the items listed were based on determining <br /> and/or evaluating, and may not all come before the City Council for action; but <br /> included those things being done by the City over the coming months or in the <br /> short-term. Mayor Roe recognized Councilmember McGehee's perspective, but <br /> noted that not all were policy statements or intended to be policies as a basis for <br /> moving forward; and provided several examples already in process or coming <br /> forward in the near future. <br /> Councilmember McGehee advised that she would like to see the City Council as a <br /> body not have everything coming to it, but the City Council providing policy di- <br /> rection to staff in terms of an overview of where individual Councilmembers and <br /> as a collective body they wanted the City to go. <br /> Mayor Roe, in addressing City Manager Malinen, clarified that the list incorpo- <br /> rated short-term programs and projects to focus energies on with limited re- <br /> sources, with the list still being large for staff to carry forward. Mayor Roe didn't <br /> disagree with those items needing to be addressed on a policy level; but suggested <br /> that the list be further refined for planning with emphasis on specific years (2011, <br /> 2012, and 2013)to ensure progress continued. <br />