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<br />2. The City I'! sr.all nrepare and cause to be <br />insertec in the l":oseville fun, the official paner} and in the <br />Construction Bulletin, an acvertisenent for bids upon the <br />making of such approved olans anc snecifications. The adver- <br />tise~ent for IMprovement 80-19 shall be publish~c as re~uired <br />by la"" shall specify the "Jork to be done, shall call for bids <br />on the basis of a cash payment for such work, shall state that <br />the bids Hill De received by the City nanager and Public Horks <br />Director until 10~OO o'clock a.~. on April 7, 19S1, at which <br />time they ~'rill be publicly opened in the City Hall by the City <br />Hanager and City Public Forks Director, \"lill then be tabulated, <br />and \"7ill cubsequently be considered by the Council.. and that <br />no bids will be consicered unless seale~ and filed with the <br />rlanager and accorrlpaniet hy a cash deposit, certifiec. check or <br />bid bond payable to the Ilanager for ten percent of the a~ount <br />of such bid. <br /> <br />The r':otion for the adoption of the foregoinc:r resolution <br />was duly seconded by Councilman Kehr anc upon vote being taken <br /> <br />thereon, the following voted in favor; All; and the following <br /> <br />voted a<.;rainst; l~one; whereupon saic1 resolution ,,!as 0.eclared <br /> <br />duly passed and adopted. <br />