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<br />2 0 '~!1e City ; ~anc.<:'~r f3hc:,11::rep"'lrc: aY',C en.use to Le <br />inr;ertec' in the ::oseville ~:un 1 t:l~' c:fficial "")a:-,2r " C".n(~ in the <br />Construction ';::,ulletin 1 c.n a(::.ver~ci3~r;,ent for 2:ic~s UDon the <br />L 'al'::.in9 cf ouch a1)~Jrovec: plans and specific<;;tions 0 ':'he a c..";ver-, <br />tisel'ent for Ii.'prover ent 30- 2 shall Le "1ublished C1.fl requirec; <br />by lat"i ~ shall Sh)~ci fy the Nod: to I:-e c2one, 3hall call for bi0.S <br />en the Lasis of a eaoh ;)ayrent for f.3uch uorJ,;:, 811all state <br />'chat the bits Hill be receiveC'. n:? the City ~lan<::(";er an,: Pu1::-lic <br />Lorks Director until 10'00 oiclock aDI~:D on 2y.?ril ;:';'7 1981, <.'l.t <br />~:7hic;' tiL'.e they ~."rill he puhlicly openec in t'le City liall by <br />tlle Ci ty !1an.a~er anc1 City put'lic lJor~:s Director f lJill then ;:,e <br />taLulateC; ani: "Jill subsen.uently be consiceret by the Council, <br />an(~ that no hies ,,'ill be consicere{ unless sealed anr~ fileCl <br />t.Jith the :lana~'~r and accof:l!?aniec"'. t.y a cas)., c.epor,it, certifiec~ <br />c;1eck or Lic~ J)on(~ l1ayeble to t:10 j ,:ana~~'er for ten percent of <br />the ar.10unt of such LiC. <br /> <br />?11<"~ F'otion for the ac'.option of th(:: fore~Join~ re~olution <br /> <br />llJaG t.uly by Councilrian ~,ehr ant upon vote being taJ~cn <br /> <br />thereon: t:le follo\"Jin~" voted in favor ': All; am:: the follm'7inS' <br /> <br />votec1 ac'ainst; done., (!heret:i.I~On Gaid re:1olution HafJ (2clarec.' <br /> <br />c:uly f}u.ssec: and acor,>tec.. <br />