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<br />2. The City ~~nager shall prepare ancl cause to be <br />inserted in the Roseville Sun, the official paper, ana in the <br />Construction Bulletin, ~n advertise~ent for bids upon the <br />r,oaking of such approveD plane and specifi.cations 0 The adver- <br />tisement for I~proverrent 80-23 shall re published as required <br />by 1avJ,. shall specify the Nork to be done, shall call for biDs <br />on the basis of a cash payrGent for such work, shall ntate <br />that the bic~s vJi 11 be received r.y the Ci ty 'lana,:"'~r and Public <br />Larks Director until 10 ~ 00 0' clock a .v.. on April 8 i' 19C1, at <br />uhich tine they will be publicly opened in the Ci ty [~all by <br />the City Hanager and City Public Forks Director., tTi II then <br />be tahulatecl1 and t"Jill sUDsequent1y be considered by the <br />Council;l ancl that no bie's \Jill be considered unless sealed <br />and filed ,'dth the i'!anac:;er anc1, accompanieC' ~y a cash deposit, <br />certifiec check or hic1, bone. ~ayaJ:lc to the Manager for ten per- <br />cent of the a~ount of such bico <br /> <br />The notion for the adoption of the foregoinC] resolution <br /> <br />,,",1as c,uly seconded by Counci1r,an Kehr and upon vote heing taken <br /> <br />thereon; the fol1o\J'dng votec: in favor, All'; and the follO\'ling <br /> <br />vote( a~ainst ~ Hone; whereupon sait; resolution was ceclarec <br /> <br />duly passed an0 aconted. <br />