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<br />STATE OF HIIJNESOTA) <br />) <br />COm~Y OF RNlSEY ) SS <br />) <br />CITY OF ROSLVILLB ) <br /> <br />Iv the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting <br /> <br />Ilanager of the City of n.oseville, Ran.sey County, I1innesota, <br /> <br />do hereby certify that I have carefully co~parec the attached <br /> <br />and foregoing extract of Binutes of a regular meeting of <br /> <br />said City Council held on the 9th day of I1arch, 1981, at <br /> <br />7: 30 oQ clock pore.. v ~Tith t1:1e original thereof on file in my <br /> <br />office and the saI:ie is a full, true an(: complete transcript <br /> <br />therefrOM insofar as the same relates to Improvement 80-27. <br />HITUJ2SS I1Y HAHD and the seal of said City this ,x Y day <br />of April, 198L <br /> <br />(d/' ,J <br />\ J j <br />,. ,'\ /~." t..))'U" '-L ''c."" 'J"" c, \.~i~-'; t-tf:.( ( <br />,1Jfy l1anager <br /> <br />(SEAL) <br />