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<br />STl\TB OF !lINlJESO'i'A) <br />) <br />COUl:J':rY OF RlUWBY ) S8 <br />) <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE ) <br /> <br />I; the undersigned, being the duly qualified and actin~ <br /> <br />!'~ana<:Te r 0 f the Ci ty 0 f ~.f..oGevi lIe, RaMsey County, Minne sota , <br /> <br />do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the attached <br />and foregoing extract of minutes of a regular meeting of <br /> <br />said City Council held on the 9th day of r'1arch, 1901, at <br /> <br />7~30 oVclock; \-lith the original thereof on file in my <br /> <br />office and the same is a full; true and complete transcript <br /> <br />therefrom insofar as the same relates to Improvement 30-32. <br /> <br />HITUE:Sf, r~Y wmo and the seal of said City this <br /> <br />oj. ' <br />"~I <br />, <br /> <br />day <br /> <br />of April, 1931. <br /> <br />(SEAL) <br /> <br />,/ ,.,) <br /> <br />\ <br /> <br />\ . ,', <br />\ .. ,< r'" <br />~",\ <--1.. ""}1ro...-<,_.{,,,.,,- "", '*, <br /> <br />/e1 ty l1anager <br />I " <br />../ <br /> <br />1 <br />'1::. n " <br />. { ..-' ~ -,l" .,-,,,Ji.,..{.A:~_ - , _ <br />