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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 18,2011 <br /> Page 19 <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Councilmember Johnson detailed his formal request <br /> to have a discussion to adopt a two-tier component to the City's existing alcohol <br /> sales ordinance, specifically addressing off-sale establishments in Roseville, hav- <br /> ing no other retail sales income options, such as a restaurant or bar maintained. <br /> Included as part of Councilmember Johnson's was a letter from Rod Olson, Store <br /> Manager at The Cellars Wines and Spirits, 8701 Lincoln Drive; and a petition of <br /> support for the proposed two-tier system from off-premise liquor license holders <br /> or store managers; along with his personal analysis and comparisons of off-sale <br /> liquor ordinances from other communities. <br /> Councilmember Johnson noted that Roseville was the only City in his review of <br /> those comparables that had a mandatory suspension for the first violation. Coun- <br /> cilmember Johnson spoke in support of a two-tier system or changing back to a <br /> one-tier system with less strict penalties for a first violation. Councilmember <br /> Johnson referenced his further analysis over the last twelve (12) years of actual <br /> liquor store violations and their frequency, noting that off-sale premises did not <br /> have a bad track record and were not deserving of such severe penalty conse- <br /> quences based on their record. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified the process in updating the ordinance from previous policy <br /> that still provided for a one day suspension for those not participating in optional <br /> server training and only having a monetary penalty for a first violation. However, <br /> Mayor Roe noted that participating in the training program was now mandatory <br /> with corresponding increased financial penalties. <br /> Discussion among Councilmembers included comparisons with the City of St. <br /> Louis Park ordinance; and who determines options for the day of suspension. <br /> Mayor Roe noted attendance of representatives from several Roseville liquor <br /> stores and invited their public testimony at this time. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Rod Olson, Cellars Wine and Spirits <br /> Mr. Olson noted the due diligence of off-sale managers and owners to ensure <br /> compliance and to avoid sales to minors on their premises. Mr. Olson opined that <br /> it was not the off-sale liquor stores failing, but on-sale licensees repeatedly failing <br /> compliance checks, and that they should be penalized accordingly, without nega- <br /> tively impacting those businesses being diligent. Mr. Olson noted that by going <br /> with a two-tier system, it put the blame where it should be. Mr. Olson advised <br /> that off-sale managers/owners were fully aware of fines and punishments, and that <br /> they served as a viable deterrent for them, and made them extra diligent in their <br /> operations. Mr. Olson noted that, even if an on-sale establishment were fined and <br /> their license suspended, they were still able to retain their revenues through food <br /> and other product sales. <br />