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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 18,2011 <br /> Page 21 <br /> Mr. Olson advised that he had been forced to eliminate a family member of the <br /> owner of the chain as a result of the revised ordinance, due to ongoing problems <br /> as all of their employees were continually monitored. Mr. Olson reviewed his <br /> firm's employee training process and continued due diligence, as well as syste- <br /> matic carding of their patrons. <br /> Councilmember Pust opined that she was confident in that being the business <br /> practice of all of Roseville's good business owners; and questioned if the estab- <br /> lishments represented by Mr. Olson or Mr. Burwell were required to increase their <br /> insurance or additional employee costs, other than to ensure their training, based <br /> on the revised ordinance. Councilmember Pust recognized that the off-sales <br /> didn't have other products to sell; however, she questioned rationale in creating a <br /> system to give one type of business one penalty and another business another pe- <br /> nalty. Councilmember Pust recognized the nature of their business, and assured <br /> business owners that Roseville wanted their operations in the community, as va- <br /> lued members of the community. However, Councilmember Pust, while recog- <br /> nizing that it was up to minors and their parents/guardians to be responsible for <br /> their own consequences, it remained the community's responsibility to do every- <br /> thing it could do; and why impacts on individual businesses should dictate how <br /> seriously the community viewed the offense. <br /> Councilmember Pust advised that she would attempt to remain open-minded dur- <br /> ing discussions, but she wanted to ensure that tonight's record did not show that <br /> the City Council was single-minded in protecting business interested, when they <br /> had another role for the community-at-large to ensure their safety and welfare. <br /> Councilmember Pust opined that, so far, the argument for making further revi- <br /> sions for a two-tier system, or reverting to a previous system, were not compelling <br /> to her. <br /> Mayor Roe questioned if there was a majority consensus of the City Council, as a <br /> next step, to bring forward amendment(s) to the ordinance for a future meeting, <br /> prior to scheduling a Public Hearing to hear public testimony; and if Council- <br /> members preferred to work outside the meeting via task force to bring recommen- <br /> dations back to the full body. <br /> Councilmembers Johnson and Willmus expressed their interest in bringing rec- <br /> ommendations forward. <br /> Mayor Roe directed City Manager Malinen to include further discussion on a fu- <br /> ture agenda. <br /> Further discussion with Mr. Olson and Mr. Burwell included notice of business <br /> owners prior to any decision-making by the City Council, based on their past ex- <br /> perience in not receiving notification; with Police Chief Mathwig and Mayor Roe <br />