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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
5/5/2011 2:28:30 PM
Creation date
5/5/2011 2:28:25 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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My name is Richard Lambert. I live 800 Brenner Ave in Roseville. <br /> I'm here tonight to ask the Council to support two recommendations I recently made at an Xcel <br /> rate increase hearing. I was prompted to testify due to the extremely poor reliability of their <br /> power system in our neighborhood. <br /> For the first 10 years after we built our home in 1984 we had a power outage once a year or <br /> maybe once every two years. By 1998,when I started to keep track,we were having 6 outages <br /> per year. In the intervening 13 years our neighborhood has averaged 3% outages per year with <br /> an average duration of 1 hour and 44 minutes, or about 6 hours per year. <br /> After complaining to Xcel (then NSP) for years, I asked Roseville officials to invite Xcel to a <br /> meeting at city hall in 2003 to discuss our neighborhood's miserable power outage history. The <br /> company's representatives provided reports showing the SAIDI value of all the feeders supplying <br /> Roseville for 2000 through 2002. SAIDI is an acronym that stands for System Average <br /> Interruption Duration Index. It's simply the total number of minutes of interruption suffered by <br /> all customers divided by the total number of customers on a given feeder. According to IEEE <br /> standard 1366-1998, the median value for SAIDI for North American utilities is approximately <br /> 90 minutes. The reports showed that the feeder supplying our part of Roseville had a SAIDI of <br /> 248 minutes,172 minutes, and 265 minutes for 2000, 2001, and 2002 respectively. Therefore, a <br /> significant portion of Roseville suffered outages that were 1.9 to 2.9 times longer than the median <br /> values. I am submitting copies of those reports along with a detailed report showing my <br /> neighborhood's outage history as part of my comments. <br /> On 4/19/2010 Xcel was invited again to city hall to discuss our neighborhoods continuing <br /> problems. At that meeting, Xcel was asked to provide the most recent copies of the feeder <br /> performance lists comparable to those provided for 2000 through 2002—they flatly refused to <br /> supply them to the city. <br /> I frankly don't know how much of the rate increase that Xcel is asking for should be granted, <br /> however, due to the lack of any measurable improvement in our neighborhood's power system <br /> reliability, I feel very strongly that whatever amount is granted should be subject to the following <br /> two reasonable conditions: <br /> 1. That they be obligated to supply the "Feeder Performance List," equal to those I've <br /> provided, to any city requesting it. <br /> 2. That they be obligated to publish a list of all of their feeders that have a SAIDI that <br /> exceeds the 90 minute median value for North American Utilities along with a budget to <br /> make the necessary upgrades to bring those SAIDI values down to the median value. <br /> I'm here to ask the Council to pass a resolution in support of my two conditions and send it to <br /> Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger in the office of administrative hearings. I understand that the <br /> deadline for public comments is in early June. I've attached her contact information. <br /> I am also asking the city to bring this issue up at the Suburban Rate Authority and the <br /> Minnesota League of Cities for the purpose of getting other cities to add their own resolutions of <br /> support. <br /> Thank you. <br />
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