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<br />STATE OF iIImmSO'l'A) <br />) <br />COUNTY OF FJ\HSEY ) Be <br />) <br />CITY OF ROSF.VILLE ) <br /> <br />17 the undercignedp being the duly c.::ualificd and acting <br /> <br />f.1anager of the City of Rosevi11e, Ramsey County I'iinnesota " <br /> <br />do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the attached <br /> <br />and foregoing extract of rdnutes of a regular meeting of 3aid <br /> <br />City Council beld on the 9th day of I1arch.. 19C1, at 7 30 <br /> <br />0' clock p,lO,. Ii \'Jith the original thereof on file in my office <br /> <br />and the same is a full. true and complete tranccript there~' <br /> <br />from insofar as the same relates to IMprovement SOr,29o <br /> <br />HITtlEDS T1Y HAUD and. the seal of said City thin 2::.J!..tL day <br /> <br />of April, 1931. <br /> <br />(SF.AL) <br /> <br />/) 1 <br />( i ' <br />\ ' " -~ <br />,/ '.i (,., (..-vl'/.({. t-- / - { <br />//~y' Eanaga-r- <br /> <br />',"'F~''''' <br /> <br />"-/']." .,.{;, t.(' <br />L ~'... '.- <br />