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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
5/24/2011 12:57:33 PM
Creation date
5/24/2011 12:57:28 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 09, 2011 <br /> Page 7 <br /> lic input on Twin Lakes regulating map; following which the Commission would hold a <br /> special meeting in June with a Public Hearing to hear additional public comment; fol- <br /> lowed by recommendation to the City Council the end of June, not allowing much time to <br /> ensure that the regulating map fits with the Twin Lakes vision, given that not everyone <br /> seems to agree on what that vision is, based on various processes over a number of years. <br /> Chair Boerigter expressed his concern that by the time the regulating map was presented <br /> to the City Council, it may be found not to be the vision of the City Council; and require <br /> more in-depth discussions on the Twin Lakes redevelopment area. <br /> Councilmember Johnson encouraged individual Commissioners to reiterate, at the time of <br /> their voting on recommendations to the City Council, their rationale in voting an issue up <br /> or down; allowing the City Council to review those meeting minutes and discern their in- <br /> tent and any reservations. <br /> Councilmember McGehee expressed her interest in hearing comments from the Commis- <br /> sion, such as this one, whether a process is too accelerated to allow sufficient public <br /> comment and consideration prior to the item being recommended to the City Council. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that it was reasonable if the Commission wanted to continue a pub- <br /> lic hearing to the next month, and opined that it should present no problem from the City <br /> Council's perspective. Related to the Twin Lakes regulating map, Mayor Roe noted that <br /> the City Council recognized its purpose to establish how uses related to each other and <br /> the street, and not to provide a 3-D model of how Twin Lakes will look. <br /> Councilmember Pust suggested that individual Commissioners share their views on what <br /> Twin Lakes should look like; and when prompted by Chair Boerigter that individual <br /> Councilmembers share their views first; declined. <br /> Commissioner Gisselquist noted that the Twin Lakes redevelopment area had been des- <br /> ignated as Community Mixed Use, suggesting businesses below and residential units <br /> above in some of those instances; but that it was not meant to be destination retail such as <br /> a mini-Rosedale. Personally, Commissioner Gisselquist opined that it may actually make <br /> a good place for retail; while recognizing the controversial nature of such an opinion; he <br /> saw the area moving more toward a medium retail area with some residential mixes. <br /> Chair Boerigter shared his personal vision, and based on what had happened with various <br /> proposals over the last few years; opining that the area would encompass more office use <br /> than retail; with retail limited and tied to residential in that area, as well as commer- <br /> cial/office uses. When considering traditional mixed uses, Chair Boerigter opined that it <br /> was thought of in terms of retail on the first floor, and office or residential above, similar <br /> to the developments at Snelling and Larpenteur or Rice Street in Little Canada. Chair <br /> Boerigter saw those uses as much more limited, since the area won't have those types of <br /> mixed use buildings, and therefore shouldn't be the City's vision. Chair Boerigter didn't <br /> anticipate significant residential uses either, but more commercial/office uses; and from <br /> his perspective, suggested that those uses were consistent with citizen preferences ex- <br />
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