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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
5/27/2011 11:13:48 AM
Creation date
5/27/2011 11:13:26 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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Ms. Bloom advised that some of the strike -outs identified in her draft were <br />specific to those references. Ms. Bloom noted the additions made in the draft that <br />addressed shorelands and land disturbances, as that had been erroneously omitted <br />in the original ordinance. Even though the City required erosion controls in <br />shoreland areas, Ms. Bloom opined that those stipulations would be strengthened <br />by adding such language to the ordinance. <br />Chair DeBenedet commended the clarity of Ms. Bloom's recommended revisions; <br />and in the interest of time, suggested that individual Commissioners access the <br />ordinance online or in their packets; and provide any additional comments, other <br />recommended revisions directly to staff at their earliest convenience. <br />Chair DeBenedet and Member Stenlund offered their written comments, attached <br />hereto and made apart hereof, to Ms. Bloom for her review and potential <br />incorporation into the next draft. <br />Member Stenlund briefly discussed changing the title of the ordinance to be more <br />appropriate. <br />Ms. Bloom expressed her appreciation to PWET Commissioners for their <br />thoughtful review of the proposed rewrite and for sharing their various areas of <br />expertise in that review. <br />Discussion included application of language in Section 1017.06 related to <br />temporary stock piles as applicable; PWET Commission review of the next draft <br />following staff s review and potential incorporation of their revisions; and in <br />addressing Member Stenlund's concerns for post construction plans, assurances <br />that staff had provided comment to the Pulte Homes (Josephine Woods) <br />developer last week on their submitted plans and additional requirements to <br />ensure maintenance of the ponds post construction and potentially across private <br />property. Ms. Bloom reviewed the process currently underway for Josephine <br />Woods, with the plat initially reviewed by the City and a draft plan provided for <br />reference; and as part of the certified review previously discussed and from a <br />Public Works maintenance and operations perspective, everything that became <br />public had to be maintained. During that review, Ms. Bloom noted the comments <br />incorporated into the review process by staff addressing the right and wrong ways <br />to construct and maintain the site; and openly discussed and clarified with the <br />developer. Ms. Bloom advised that the plan was then revised accordingly to <br />make the infrastructure as successful and as cost- and labor- efficient as possible <br />for all parties, ultimately ensuring area water quality. <br />Ms. Bloom noted, as part of the continuing public education process, the <br />stormwater fees paid on each quarterly utility bill for ongoing long -term <br />maintenance and repair of that infrastructure. <br />Page 12 of 18 <br />
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