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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
5/27/2011 11:13:48 AM
Creation date
5/27/2011 11:13:26 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Williams Street Pond <br />At the request of Member Stenlund, Ms. Bloom provided an update on the <br />Williams Street Pond project, noting that completion of the project remained <br />pending (finishing the bench work and installing the baffle on the NE corner of <br />the pond), but advised that the majority of the utility work had been completed; <br />with a filter bench still needed on the SW corner constructed of steel filings to <br />dissolve phosphorus, with that remaining work slated for May or June of this <br />year. Ms. Bloom noted that the contractor performing that work was also a <br />subcontractor for the City's upcoming project, which may have provided a <br />reduced bid on their part, since they would only need to mobilize once. Ms. <br />Bloom noted the difficulty in continuing BMP's once the significant winter <br />snowfall occurred. Member Stenlund expressed his appreciation to the contractor <br />for their winter stabilization of the road. <br />Aladdin street <br />As part of our maintenance project on Aladdin Street, Ms. Bloom noted the City's <br />receipt of a grant through the Grass Lakes Water Management Organization <br />(GLWMO) to provide pretreatment prior to Aladdin Street water (American <br />Legion Club and street water) to facilitate a 7% grade into a settling area into the <br />DNR- protected wetland on the south end of Central Park. Ms. Bloom noted that <br />the grant funds had been for a sand filtered rain garden at the bottom of the hill, <br />for which the City had partnered with Ramsey Conservation District (RCD for <br />technical assistance, and the GLWMO. <br />At the request of Member Gjerdingen, Ms. Bloom clarified that the pathway <br />around the rain garden would remain; and that property owners had been taking <br />the initiative to clear snow to make a connection to the ag -lime path in the park; <br />but that the City was not proposing to pave that connection. <br />5. Roof Infrastructure Management Presentations <br />As detailed in the staff report, Ms. Schwartz noted that the Public Works <br />Department was responsible for maintenance of buildings on the City campus, <br />including City Hall and the maintenance buildings. Mr. Schwartz noted the roofs <br />on portions of the buildings were scheduled for replacement in the next 2 -4 years <br />according to the City's CIP. As part of preparing for this needed replacement, <br />and in lieu of funding constraints, Mr. Schwartz advised that staff had been <br />exploring alternatives to complete replacement and how those assets could be <br />managed to better maximize the City's investment in facilities. In contacting <br />various asset management firms, Mr. Schwartz advised that Mr. Craig Hulbert of <br />Tremco, Inc. had been asked to provide a short presentation to the PWET <br />Commission on their specific program for managing roof assets. <br />Craig Hulbert of Tremco, Inc <br />Mr. Tremco provided a brief overview of his firm's philosophy for enhancing <br />facility asset management for government entities and their methodology to avoid <br />Page 5 of 18 <br />
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