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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 13,2011 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Councilmember McGehee sought a response from City Planner Paschke, who was <br /> in the audience (off microphone) regarding City Code provisions; with Mr. <br /> Paschke advising current City Code would provide no recourse for Mr. Ander- <br /> son's issue. <br /> Councilmember Willmus suggested that consideration be given, and opined that, <br /> in some situations, it was not necessary for the City to get involved; but private is- <br /> sues between property owners should be handled as such. <br /> Mr. Anderson advised that he had spoken with the City's Permit Coordinator Don <br /> Munson, who advised him that there was nothing in City Code preventing the <br /> neighbor from throwing snow into Mr. Anderson's yard; and his only recourse <br /> was through civil action through the courts. Mr. Anderson alluded to other issues <br /> with the neighbor, and the neighbor's contact of the City's Police Department <br /> with allegations against Mr. Anderson. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that the matter should be looked into; and fur- <br /> ther opined that the only recourse for residents should not be through court. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that Mr. Anderson had a valid point in attempt- <br /> ing to avoid having things thrown in his yard by others. <br /> Mr. Anderson advised that there had been a recent altercation between the neigh- <br /> bor and him; and he was in the process of obtaining a"No Contact Order" against <br /> this neighbor to avoid additional altercations. <br /> Councilmember Pust expressed her empathy for Mr. Anderson and his situation; <br /> noting that the City Council was only hearing one side of the situation. Council- <br /> member Pust noted that the City Council was a legislative body; and that this was <br /> the first time that she is aware of that a citizen had not been able to resolve a snow <br /> removal situation. Councilmember Pust suggested that, if there were repeat situa- <br /> tions, there needed to be resolution, and that the court system was there to resolve <br /> such situations. However, Councilmember Pust opined that changing City ordin- <br /> ance based on one incident, requiring additional time for police enforcement, <br /> didn't seem prudent. Councilmember Pust apologized that the City Council did <br /> not get back to Mr. Anderson sooner, opining that responding to citizens was part <br /> of the City Council's job. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked Mr. Anderson for his attendance at tonight's meeting and for <br /> his patience; and advised that City Manager Malinen had recorded Mr. Ander- <br /> son's information, and would be following-through with him. <br /> City Manager Malinen concurred; noting that he would talk among Department <br /> Heads at their Tuesday morning meeting and copy the City Council on their rec- <br /> ommended course of action for Mr. Anderson. <br />