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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 13,2011 <br /> Page 20 <br /> Ayes: Johnson; Pust; Willmus; McGehee; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> f. Review 2011 City Manager Goals <br /> City Manager Malinen advised that he had worked with Councilmember Johnson <br /> to be more expansive on some of the goals listed; and in reviewing some of last <br /> year's goals and work plan objectives, and what was being done with internal op- <br /> erations, he had developed the list as presented for Council review and considera- <br /> tion. <br /> Organizational and Human Resources Management(bullet point#3) <br /> Mayor Roe asked if there was a measurement to "Pursue improved La- <br /> bor/Management Relations?" <br /> City Manger Malinen opined that while some may not be specifically measurable, <br /> but only continuing efforts; he could continue to show steps he had taken to <br /> achieve it or completion of it. Mr. Malinen noted that there had been a number of <br /> mediations and arbitrations lately, and he would like to avoid them; suggesting <br /> that perhaps demonstrable goals could be through fewer of those impasses; and <br /> sitting down more often or find other ways to work with union groups to avoid <br /> those situations. <br /> Organizational and Human Resources Management(bullet point#4) <br /> Mayor Roe questioned if, under "Advocate further examination of e-commerce <br /> and e-government concepts" it was meant for the City Manager to look to advo- <br /> cate for examining e-commerce or to further the examination by staff? Mayor <br /> Roe suggested that the City Manger's role would be for "further the examina- <br /> tion." <br /> City Manager Malinen advised that part of what he did at his level, was to lead <br /> departments to explore doing things differently electronically and explore other <br /> ways of doing business. <br /> Fiscal Business Management (bullet point#3) <br /> Mayor Roe questioned how the performance measures that are continuing to <br /> evolve fit into "Pursue sustainable, long-range financial condition;" or whether <br /> that fit in better under Long Range Planning/Strategic Plan (bullet point #3 en- <br /> titled, "Improve integration of strategic planning into the budget process?" <br /> City Manager Malinen advised that, in terms of performance measurement, he <br /> wasn't sure if long-range was what he envisioned, and suggested it may be best to <br /> add "performance measurement" to either one; with his intent in including per- <br /> formance measurement as part of the budget process to understand cost/service <br /> ratios. <br />