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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 13,2011 <br /> Page 28 <br /> cut by departments, which would be close to the 10%reduction exercise previous- <br /> ly performed. <br /> City Manager Malinen concurred, noting that such a scenario would be close; but <br /> he was hopeful with a sense of agreement along those lines, that staff could <br /> present a compromise and put the City on a sustainable path for the capital needs <br /> side and adjust the levy from the operational side from 2012 on, once the City <br /> Council took care of the capital needs portion of the equation. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that, after the results from when the City Coun- <br /> cil asked for the 10%reduction exercise, she was now"gun shy"having found it a <br /> meaningless exercise; and whether the City went forward with a 3.4% or 4% levy <br /> increase right now, it still meant some cuts were necessary, but guaranteed <br /> $500,000 for capital funding, which seemed crucial from her perspective. Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee suggested that City Manager Malinen do a more serious job <br /> that she perceived him having done the last time; since she went through the list <br /> and made cuts in painless ways compared to his suggestions. While willing to <br /> consider at 3.4% or 4% increase, Councilmember McGehee opined that this was a <br /> minimal start if those cuts went into the CIP. <br /> Councilmember Johnson, from a biennial point of view, opined that it was impor- <br /> tant to remember that the 3.4% increase for 2012 included a 0% for 2013; under- <br /> standing that the 3.4%would remain in place that should make it more sustainable <br /> for taxpayers, while recognizing that there could be future unknowns that were <br /> not foreseen. Councilmember Johnson opined that the plan on paper looked very <br /> sustainable for 2013 and beyond. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Mayor Roe advised that the next por- <br /> tion of the subcommittee report would be received by the City Council and public <br /> in next weeks' agenda packet. <br /> In an effort to accommodate inflationary items in 2013, Mayor Roe moved an <br /> amendment to the original motion, seconded by Councilmember McGehee, rather <br /> than a 3.4% increase in 2013 and 0% in 2013, to increase the 2013 budget and <br /> levy by$340,000 to handle the decision packages; while retaining the capital need <br /> increase of 3.4% for twenty(20) years going forward. <br /> While willing to support the original motion, Councilmember Willmus advised <br /> that he would be voting against the motion as amended. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Pust, Finance Director Miller clarified that the <br /> $340,000 would represent an approximate 2.5%levy increase. <br /> City Manager Malinen expressed appreciation that there had been no 2012 reduc- <br /> tion for contractual obligations or to achieve a zero percent 2013 budget, meaning <br />