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Background: <br />The City Manager and the City Council Capital Improvements Sub Committee have requested <br />the PWET Commission review and comment on the Public Works Capital Improvement Plan. <br />They also recommended the Commission review the sub committee's utility rate <br />recommendation discussed at the June 20, 2011 council meeting. Staff will present and review <br />the 20 year utility capital improvement plan and the proposed level of improvements at the <br />meeting. Staff is working on utility rate background information for a discussion at your July <br />meeting. We will be asking for your information needs on this topic. <br />Date: June 28, 2011 Item No: 7 <br />Recommended Action: <br />Roseville Public Works, Environment and <br />Transportation Commission <br />Agenda Item <br />Item Description: Utility Capital Improvement Program Review <br />Discuss the 20 year capital improvement plan and provide feedback. <br />Attachments: <br />A. Utility Capital Improvement Plan <br />B. Council Utility Capital Funding Plan Memo <br />C. <br />