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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
9/20/2011 1:57:01 PM
Creation date
6/28/2011 9:26:54 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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184 provide supervision and guidance to volunteers; searching grant opportunities for habitat <br />185 restoration to revamp ecological corrections previously made at the Harriet Alexander Nature <br />186 Center (HANC); <br />187 <br />188 Members, by consensus, expressed their enthusiasm for finding partnering opportunities; and <br />189 Chair Pro -tem Eckman suggested that the GLWMO Board participate in a future field trip to <br />190 some of the areas identified during tonight's discussion. <br />191 <br />192 Len Ferrington Public Comments /Presentation <br />193 Mr. Ferrington provided feedback to the Board that he had personally received since the most <br />194 recent GLWMO Board sponsored stakeholder's meeting; and provided several suggestions on <br />195 how the Board could distribute information to Lake Owasso residents to correct some <br />196 misperceptions and clarify the Board's actual process in developing the Third Generation Plan. <br />197 Mr. Ferrington noted that he had personally fielded a number of phone calls since that meeting; <br />198 many in response to issues associated with financing /governance that were initiated at that <br />199 stakeholder meeting; and questions on future intent for that financing and governance; and <br />200 specifically why it was being considered at this time. <br />201 <br />202 Chair Pro -tem Eckman sought specific names of those with concerns to allow the Board to <br />203 address any misperceptions. <br />204 <br />205 Mr. Ferrington advised that he had attempted to e -mail many of the callers, detailing the intent of <br />206 the GLWMO Board as the Plan was developed and estimating finances for various projects <br />207 identified; and if necessary, to revise the Board's governance as part of the Plan goals. <br />208 <br />209 As a result of the concerns raised, Mr. Ferrington advised that the Lake Owasso Homeowners <br />210 Association had convened a special meeting, and invited him to attend; with their main concern <br />211 being how best for the Association to get voice to the GLWMO; and his response being for them <br />212 to contact individual GLWMO Board members. As a result of that special meeting, Mr. <br />213 Ferrington advised that a letter had been drafted by representatives of the Association to the <br />214 GLWMO Board; expressing their concerns on the future of the GLWMO management. Mr. <br />215 Ferrington provided a copy of the letter to the GLWMO Board <br />216 <br />217 Discussion among GLWMO Board members and Mr. Ferrington included whether the <br />218 Association had held their Annual Meeting yet and how the GLWMO Board could best address <br />219 the majority of residents to clarify the Plan process and intent and to rectify any misconceptions <br />220 and identify areas of confusion about the process; lack of Lake Owasso residents in attendance at <br />221 the third Stakeholder meeting where possible avenues of goal implementation were discussed; <br />222 and how their attendance could have avoided the current misinformation and concerns. <br />223 <br />224 Mr. Ferrington reviewed the content of the Association letter and how it clearly identified the <br />225 order of events and process to finish the Plan and submit it for approval; at which time a <br />226 determination would be made as to how to finance the Plan. Mr. Ferrington opined that some <br />227 residents were apparently thinking that the GLWMO Board had already made a decision on <br />228 future governance; and assured the GLWMO Board that it was his intent to clarify that confusion <br />229 for residents. Mr. Ferrington noted that the letter was drafted identifying the focus of 2011 in <br />5 <br />
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