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<br />MAYOR DEMOS: And the assessment will be on the county <br />rolls, so when it changes hands we know and they know. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN CURLEY: How does that sound to you? <br /> <br />MR. GRUBBS: <br /> <br />(Inaudible) . <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN FRANKE: Actually it makes his property more <br />valuable when he comes to sell it. <br /> <br />MR. MODJESKI: If it's in - I guess it's the hooking up. <br />Mr. Honchell says 40 feet - I think it's probably 60 feet <br />because by the map it appears to be running probably l5 feet <br />west of the hydrant and he's coming out of the back of this <br />house with the sewer. His house is about in line with mine. <br />In fact, it looks like 3056 is drawn the wrong direction. I <br />would say it's about 60 feet and for him, he would have to go <br />down six to eight feet and put in a lift pump to pump that <br />across. I venture to say it's going to cost more than $l,OOO. <br />The drain field is to the east - to the lower of the visual. <br />I don't see anyway of putting $l,OOO in as making it more <br />saleable. The house, in its existing condition, definitely <br />would not make it more saleable unless someone was going to <br />tear down the structure and build a new home in there which <br />probably, at this stage of the game, is unlikely because that <br />stretch of property in there, from the north of Raymond south, <br />there are probably l2 to l4 homes in there probably worth <br />more industrially than it is for homeowners as it stands. It <br />almost sounds as if, until somebody took out a building permit <br />to build a different'structure in there, that then something <br />could be done and maybe at that time something east of Comet <br />Drive and towards Cleveland Avenue would be building - that <br />sewer would be running from the east, westerly, that could be <br />picked up on that property. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN CURLEY: Let's just hold over for future con- <br />sideration. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: Are there any written statements? <br /> <br />MR. ANDRE: No. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: I'll close the hearing. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN CURLEY then moved that the hearing for Improve- <br /> <br />ment No. SS-8l-l8 be closed and that consideration be continued <br /> <br />until the next regular Council meeting on February 22, 1982. <br /> <br />Councilman Kehr seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. <br /> <br />lO <br />