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<br />the Owner of the structure could hire a plumber to come out and <br />hook into it. Once again we have a problem in that the owner <br />of the property is a fairly elderly gentleman. He indicated to <br />me in some conversations throughout this process that originally <br />he was interested in having a sanitary sewer connected and was <br />told that he couldn't because of elevations or access or some- <br />thing. Now he doesn't really feel he wants it, at least <br />according to the conversations we had. I don't know what more <br />I can say to you. I'm sure if he's here he will be able to <br />present his own views. I merely brought that up in case he <br />isn't here tonight. I don't happen to see him out there. <br /> <br />As in the case of some of the others, this parcel was not <br />assessed for sanitary sewer (inaudible) because it wasn't <br />built. In the event the project is approved, there would be a <br />$487.00 fee because there have never been any assessments for <br />a sewer and he has never paid for any of that sewer that he <br />would be connecting to. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN JOHNSON: How about 3060? Has that parcel been <br />assessed? <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: Yes. They're all connected except this <br /> <br />one. <br /> <br />MR. POPOVICH: The total published cost of this project <br />is $3,6l7.00 and. it's recommended that it be lOO% assessed, <br />together with the trunk sewer assessment which Charlie indicated <br />is $487.00, so it would be a little over $4,000. Obviously, <br />based on today's market, we would recommend that it not be <br />assessed over a period longer than IS years. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: Are there any written statements? <br /> <br />MR. ANDRE: There are none. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: I will now open this hearing to the public <br />and ask that you come to the microphone and state your name <br />and address. <br /> <br />MR. FRANCIS GRUBBS, 3056 Raymond Avenue: I never did <br />understand why I wasn't hooked up 18 years ago when I would <br />have liked to come in. Now I'm sick and I don't (inaudible). <br />I just got done putting in a new drain field and septic tank. <br />I told my neighbor I was told that I couldn't hook up at the <br />time they went through. I assumed that it was down the road. <br />Now they'p have to go another 120 feet when they could just <br />as well have gone that distance before. That's about all I <br />have to say. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN JOHNSON: How long ago did you put in the <br />drain field? <br /> <br />MR. GRUBBS: I put in a new one about four years ago. <br /> <br />2 <br />