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<br />MR. HONCHELL: It would merely mean that they would put an <br />ejector pump in this new structure when they build it - to have <br />it under pressure (inaudible) all the way into the manhole <br />where there's ample, normal depth. Ejector pumps, while never <br />recommended as being great, are very common. <br /> <br />MR. MODJESKI: It seems to me it's related to the property <br />and not the home itself. If they ever demolish the home and <br />put another one in, then I could see the value of that sanitary <br />sewer working because the owner of the property - and this is <br />conjecture on my part, but this is what I did when I built my <br />home - it's all low level and in the back it slopes, as Mr. <br />Honchell said, it has a nice slope for a walk-out basement. <br />That's what I put in - a walk-out to the back end. I have <br />filled the front of my property to probably six or eight feet <br />to give me the depth. I have the walk-out just as if - if <br />somebody put a newer home in there, they would certainly do the <br />same as I have. The home that's in there now is - my home is <br />17 years old, that one is probably about 35 years old and the <br />square feet is probably 700. It's nothing that you could <br />readily sell (inaudible) to put in an ejector pump, etc., to <br />run sanitary sewer. I guess I'm speaking for myself as a home <br />owner, as to what I would do if I was building. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN FRANKE: You have no problem with the drain <br />field as it is now? <br /> <br />MR. MODJESKI: He has no problem with the drain field now <br />and I have no problem. The land to the north of there is all <br />open and there's nothing in there now. The land to the east <br />of there, which is down on your visual, is all open, which has <br />a county easement drainage ditch running across the side of <br />the visual. There's really nothing back there that he is <br />interfering with today. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN FRANKE: I feel that we somehow have some <br />responsibility for this. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN CURLEY: Why can't we - if we don't vote for <br />it and we don't vote against it - we just don't do anything <br />about it right now. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN JOHNSON: How about ordering it in up to the <br />property line - is there a way to give notice to the would-be <br />buyer of that property that when the property is sold they <br />give notice to the City (inaudible) so they'd know they're <br />walking into a sewer connection problem? <br /> <br />MR. ROGER JENSEN: Under our current ordinance, you'd <br />have to amend the ordinance to do away with the requirement <br />that he hook up within two years. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN JOHNSON: Can we waive that on a conditional <br />basis? <br /> <br />7 <br />