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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:15:46 AM
Creation date
4/25/2005 12:11:11 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Ordering the Construction of Improvement No. ST-80-30 Under and Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429 and Authorizing Preparation of Plans and Specifications Therefor
Resolution Date Passed
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<br />!::::.::- <br /> <br />\. <br /> <br />to the lake themselves. They simply go down a slope and then the <br />w~ter runs over the bikepath, over what is ever in front of it <br />for the most part, except for one minor culvert there, carrying <br />any erosion with it that may be in its way and deposits all of <br />this directly into Bennett Lake. This obviously doesn't do any- <br />thing good at all for the lake or the property in between, in- <br />cluding the bikepath and the edge of the park. These flat por- <br />tions along Brooks in this area also, unfortunately, tend to <br />pond the water more than routinely because they don't have good <br />grades on the street and they don't have good crowns on the <br />street. Quite frankly, they don't have that great of material <br />under the street. So you do have a potentially hazardous condi- <br />tion and I guess some of you can probably relate much better <br />than I do, but I suspect in these periods that there's been <br />standing water, which is probably frozen at night, in the road <br />itself. I've observed it in the past, although I didn't drive <br />down it today. Also, there's standing water at various times <br />in the spring and summer and any time after a rain. This is <br />not only a hazard to driving, but it's also very detrimental to <br />the roadway in that that water tends to go through cracks that <br />are in the street, get under the road, soften it, weaken it, and <br />it deteriorates that much faster. <br /> <br />Another area of problem is in the Oxford/B-2 corner where <br />there are no in-let facilities and the water has historically <br />gone along simply into the county ditches and simply gone onto <br />vacant land. The land is no longer vacant. More building is <br />being proposed and there is no place now for that water simply <br />to percolate into the ground the way it used to. Waters are <br />building up in this location and it will be even worse as the <br />'whole area gets developed. There are no pick up facilities to <br />get rid of that water today. <br /> <br />B-2 and Nancy Place - the general area - the water comes <br />along B-2 in the ditch section, goes through a facility on the <br />south side and a pipe down to Transit Avenue as best it can, <br />but particularly over on the north side there are some severe <br />pocketings of water that occur. They're 'rather major and one <br />of the gentlemen earlier had said that there's no water there <br />but I've seen it, we've got pictures of it, and other people <br />we've talked to say why don't you stop letting that occur. <br />There are pockets of water that are fairly significant in this <br />area and there's no way right now to get rid of that water. <br />The Nancy Place area, near Grandview - we would like to have <br />some pick up facilities to clear the water away from the inter- <br />sections as we do in our standard intersection design to try <br />and again extend the life of any of the roadways in the area. <br /> <br />The area of Lexington Avenue, opposite Oakcrest - if you <br />can see - shows an existing storm sewer going directly out <br />to Bennett Lake. Most of the water that comes through that <br />large pipe has some ponding occurring back to the west. In <br />fact, sometimes there are two or three ponds to go through <br />before it ever gets to Bennett Lake. There are segments, how- <br />ever, of this water - all through here - that's running in <br /> <br />4 <br />
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