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City Council Resolutions
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:15:46 AM
Creation date
4/25/2005 12:11:11 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Ordering the Construction of Improvement No. ST-80-30 Under and Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429 and Authorizing Preparation of Plans and Specifications Therefor
Resolution Date Passed
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<br />r=--' <br />\ <br />'-- <br /> <br />r:....::..::, <br />to:::.-,-::.- <br /> <br />gets to the pair of catch basins that already exist on Lexington. <br />$tarting at this end, it's proposed to have a set of basins at <br />the intersection of Grandview and Nancy Place to pick the water <br />up, carry it northward to B-2,where it would then go to the <br />west a couple 300 feet to an inlet facility. Similarly, along <br />B-2 to the west, there would be pick up facilities to intercept <br />the water running down the hill, carrying it to this location <br />approximately 200-300 feet west of Nancy Place, where it would <br />be joined and go in a new pipe through the area where the pine <br />trees are located - for those of vou that are familiar with the <br />area - between Lots 1 and 33 - g~ing between homes to Transit <br />Avenue. This would essentially be replacing that outmoded pipe <br />that is already there. <br /> <br />We would then replace the existing catch basins in front <br />of 912 Transit with new, more modern facilities, carry that <br />water over to the intersection of Brooks and Transit, where it <br />would pick up the water again as it came down the hill on <br />Transit, take it northward about 300 feet to where it would <br />get the main outlet into a newly constructed pond which we'll <br />talk about later in Central Park. This should rectify many of <br />the problems along the B-2 area near Nancy Place and aid in the <br />intersection problems. It also should allow us to pick up the <br />water much better on the north side of B-2, near 915 and 909, <br />and eliminate the water sheeting down towards Transit as well <br />for this general location. <br /> <br />Perhaps starting at the Brooks/Churchill intersection - to <br />go in the other direction - a series of catch basins is proposed <br />at that location, including sort of double catch basins up the <br />'Churchill leg just a bit, with special inlet facilities to pick <br />this water up as it comes down the hill. We don't want to see <br />the water bypassing these facilities extensively, getting out <br />into Brooks and inundating it as it has in the past. So there <br />are special facilities proposed for this intersection. Again, <br />basins would be placed along B-2 as we would go easterly from <br />Churchill and come to the Oxford intersection where once again <br />special catch basins would be constructed to pick the water up <br />coming down the hill. <br /> <br />Continuing to the east, as we reach Aglen Street, once <br />again there would be intersection basins. This time, however, <br />there's a line proposed to come from the intersection of <br />Transit and Aglen northerly to Brooks. The reasons there's a <br />line on that street and none on the others is because on the <br />other streets it's essentially their own drainage that's going <br />towards Brooks. In the case of Transit, it has a good deal of <br />Oxford, it has this block of Transit between Oxford and Aglen, <br />it has a block of Transit between Chatsworth and Aglen - so <br />it's really carrying about three streets worth of drainage down <br />that roadway. We feel that we really need to intercept that <br />water before that gets up to the Brooks/Aglen intersection. <br />Therefore it's proposed to have a line the whole length of <br />Aglen to Transit. <br /> <br />6 <br />
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