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<br />EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING <br />OF CITY COUNCIL <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />RAMSEY COUNTY , MINNESOTA <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Roseville, County of <br />Ramsey, Minnesota, was duly held in the City Hall at 2660 Civic Center Drive, Roseville, Minnesota, on Monday, <br />the eighth day of April, 1996, at 6:30 o'clock p.m. <br /> <br />The following members were present: Wiski, Goedeke, Mastel, and Wall, and the following were absent: Maschka. <br /> <br />Member Mastel introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 9286 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION CONCURRING WITH PROPOSED 1996 COUNTY/CITY TURNBACKS <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the 1991 Minnesota Legislature established a Ramsey County Local Govemment Services Study <br />Commission to "report on the advantages and disadvantages of sharing, coopcrating, restructuring, or consolidQting.. " <br />activities in areas of public service including public works; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the consolidation plan provides for reclassification of roadways and corresponding changes in <br />jurisdiction including the transfer of local and State Aid roadways between the County and municipalities: and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Dale Street (County Road 53) from County Road C to South Owasso Boulevard, South Owasso <br />n,",nL~n""'1rA ¡r"......n....t·" D^-~rl ")()\ +...........1...... 1""'\.....10. Cf--rant in. D ;,.,0 Ctr'.ct.r:'Iof 'T~,..t-_r;..... Ct-rØAt fr^l1nt" "'D^.....r1 "'')\ frAn1l T ~rt"'\PI11tt~l1r <br />.1....JUUI'-'" "'1 U \, ,--"UUJJl)' .n...Vuu L-V JU VlU lJUl\,.; ùl1 \.I\.,.Il lV J'\.I,",,,", ÙU \'¡\";l~ Y J\,.ILV1IU ùU"-',""l \ ,"--v \..uUJ ,H..VUU -J"J UVUJ. .L..IL.U }-I\ <br />A venue to County Road B, Josephine Road (County Road 106) from Lexington A venue to Hamline A venue, County <br /> <br />n '''/r''I ,n 11A.t'\ f" T .. . A. ,'It".· C"', . 1""\__.1. __ A _~_~_ _ /r'I_____.L_"__..J l1A\.l"_____ <br />Koao u t Loumy Koao 1 U'+) Hom LexmgtOn f\ venue to v lCtOna ;)Ireel, KOSeIaWn f\ venue t Luumy I\.UUU 11 't) 11 um <br />HamJine A venue to Victoria Street, and West Owasso Boulevard (County Road 133) from Victoria Street to the north <br />Roseville boundary are presently under the jurisdiction of Ramsey County as County roads; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, These roadway segments have been determined to serve a local function only: and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, revocation of County Road status may by accomplished be resolution of the Ramsey County Board of <br />Commissioncrs pursuant to Milmesota Laws 163.11: and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City of Roseville has concurred that jurisdiction should be changed from Ramsey County to the City <br />of Roseville; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the consolidation plan stipulates that Ramsey County shall improve the roadwa:-'s to acceptable b'ds <br /> <br />......_:......._...~ ~_........~r....._:_~ :~~_:~..J:........:....._ .......~.__ _............J.~~...... .............._........_.... f'_........__ D.....__............ r.......~~....4_......... <br /> .__~......:.....:._....1:4:.......... ..........J .1....... D....................., <br />PIIVI LV lIilll:>ll:'lIlllbJUII:>UII.oLIVII VVI:'I IUilU\HI)' :>l:'bIlII:'IIL:> 11 VIII rÜIIII:>I:')' ~UUl1L) LU IIIUllll.olpilIlLl-.o:>, illlU 1II\.o J'\""I"\.o~ <br />County Capital Improvement Program provides funding for these improvements; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City of Roseville desires to upgrade these roadways for an estimated cost of $2,040,000 and fund thc <br />reconstmction with Municipal State Aid street sources, and an estimated $ j 8Û,ÛÛÛ from the Ramsey County <br />Roadway Consolidation Fund; and <br /> <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City of Roseville does hereby concur with Ramsey County revoking <br />the County Road status of Dale Street (County Road 53) from County Road C to South Owasso Boulevard, South <br />Owasso Boulevard (County Road 20) from Dale Street to Rice Street, Victoria Street (County Road 52) from <br />Larpenteur Avenue to County Road B, Josephine Road (County Road 106) from Lexington Avenue to Hamline <br />A venue, County Road D (County Road] 04) from Lexington A venue to Victoria Street, Roselmm A venue (County <br />