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� <br />�i�EN HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: �ebruary 8, 2008 <br />T4: Mayor and Ciiy Council <br />FROM: Jim Willis, Interirn Ciiy Administrator� <br />SUBJECT: February 13 Work Session to revi�vcr revised TH10/CR96 Concept Plan <br />Mayar Harpstead has sc�eduled a special work session for Wednesday, February 13 <br />at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the Trnnk Highwvay [TH] 10 and County Raad [CR] 96 <br />project further. <br />Since your Iast meeting Stacie and I have been workir�g to see if we could re-evaluate the <br />TH10/CR96 plan that was presented at the Council xneeting on Januaz-y 28, 2008. <br />Based upon several suggestions that emerged from both public ar�d Council com�nents at <br />that meeting, we requested Mark Benson of SEH io make saane revisions to ihe previous <br />plan that we believe respond to the major issues as we see them. These changes <br />accomplish the following: <br />• eliminate the west frontage road abutting Arden Manor south of �he pro�osed <br />interchange bridge while tightening the radius to the west frontage road servzng <br />Scherer Brothers. <br />• reduce the number of manufactured hornes in Arden Manor being rmpacted from <br />44 to 36 (the impacts of the CR96 improvements on Arden Manor are unchanged <br />even if the mEdian vvidth and shoulders are reduced since the County rnaintains <br />they may require more ROW to provide alignment to the bridge over 35W). <br />• Reduce the width of the interchange bridge over TH10 <br />These changes are �ra.phically represenied on the attached graphic: "TH 101CR96 <br />I�t�rchange Concept - Fei�ruary 4, 2008" <br />I recognize the difficulty the Council has had in dealing with this praposed transportation <br />project. There are obviously competing interests and objectives. <br />