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�i E HILL <br />N S <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: January 12, 2005 <br />TO: Mayor and City CounciI <br />FROM: Sue Iverson, Finance Director <br />Kris Giga, Civil Engineer <br />SUBJECT: CIP Discussian <br />BACKGROUND <br />Based on the direction received from the Ci#y Council at the December 2007 Work Session, staff <br />prepared a draft CIl' for Pavement Management for the next 10 years. These projects were selected based <br />on identified needs such as poor pavement condition, drainage issues, or sanitary s�wer or watermain <br />issues. Council also asked for the CIP to give detail sheets by project and a breakdown of project costs. <br />PMP <br />Staff uses a system approach to develop a pavement management program. First, the results ICON <br />produces based on existing PCI is evaluated to better understand the most cnitical areas. Then, staff <br />reviews this information and places it into context with the Ciry systern, visually confirming ICON's <br />recommendations in the field and adjusting projects to rneet additional factors and criteria set by the City. <br />Staff had GoodPointe run a scenario with predetermined projects (CIP) for the �'irst ten years, and then <br />maintain a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of 70 following the frst ten years. An inflation factor of <br />three percent (3%) has been factared into the model ta account for rising construction costs. The proposed <br />funding includes street canstruction only- no utility improvement costs are included in these models; <br />engineering costs are included. <br />1�Ivietro-inetlArdenHi11s1FinancelFinance DirectorlForms�2 00811-1 1-0 8 Memo CIP-PMP.doc <br />