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� , f. <br />�r „-- , <br /># ��.,,� <br />S�p�ember 1966, No. 5 <br />f � �•� <br />, <br />>. <br />`.� : <br />: <br />'- �-,�;. THE TOWN �R�ER <br />;:` , C � '-� <br />.;'� j; �.�, �Publ.i�hed by The Arden Assoc�.a�ian, Inc. <br />�,�,� l �� � <br />. r '.� ,r •- . - : <br />�-- .;�,f As a final x�eminder, The Arden Assoc�.a-�ian} s firs� <br />,µ �� `�� .`~:.:_ � annual d�,nne� dance w�l� be October �' at McG�.ire;� s. <br />�'; �F � The evening w�.�l beg�n w�.�h a social hour at 6.30, <br />� Rn,:��f � d� (your cho�ce of s�eak or lobster) wi3:1 be <br />�' served a� 7:3Q and there wi�.l be dancing to the <br />n rr�us�,c a�' �he Skylarks �'rarr�. 9.00 unt�I I: 44 a. m. <br />t<;�;j 1�. �he cos� is �6.00 per persor�, includ�.ng tha �ip. <br />:, ��� �. ! �nie must ha�e �he re servatians i� by Septamber 25, <br />�--•-�-� so please send in the attach�:d �'orm today: �'h3.S <br />� � wil.�. be an exce3.lent ap�ortunity for all' members <br />��--� of the carr�tnunit �a en jay the company of. old and. <br />� � <br />f� � new fx�iendse The erathusiasm i� really high and <br />;.; the Social Cammi��ee has worked hard on the p�ans <br />- for our �'3r,s-� soc�,a� event. Gather yau� neighbors <br />�"�� and plan o�z ge-��i:ng togeth�r. A goad �urn-o�.t wa.11 ': <br />'-y na� anly make it a memorab�.e evening, but will ' <br />��- � alsa s'�reng�hen our new Associa�ion. - <br />� � --�...,,_._.�� <br />`Be� �n no� and �hE da-�e ��' �he dxnner dance, w� are h�ping '�a haue the <br />f�:na�, ,Tc�,ean-up't membersh�p campa�.gn for thc� Arden Associatiorz. ��e <br />hope �hat yo�. have been plea�ed w�th �the work that has been. an.d <br />wi�.l. :encotzrage any a�' your neighbars who are not yet mem�ers �a joira.� <br />If you know a specific family who is in�erested and who �nay possibl.y be ' <br />`' missed being called on, please tel.ephon� Jane Lund, 633-3�9?• <br />Ari error was tr�ade in las� mon�h� s CRIER �.n s�ating the nutnber of '�r�zs- <br />�ees on our Vi].iage Cnunc�.�. Th�re are four Trus�ees on �he Council, <br />e�:ectcd on a three-��:ar ro�ationa�. bas�.s, and our Nayor, who �.s elec��d <br />every'�wo years. <br />A� tkie ria,ee�ing o�' �he Council on Sep�ember� 2b, the Counci� plans �o dis- <br />cuss the,:very important s�zbject of the �.g6'� Vil�.age budget, As w�.th a�l <br />mee't�rigs, yotzr a�tendance and �ntere st �.s encouraged by �he Mayor, and ' <br />�he ,:Tru.��ees. <br />The Comprehens�.ve Development P1an incorporating the changes made with <br />regard ta '�he del�neatian of �Ghe high--dens�'�y areas on the comprehenw <br />sive zon�.n,g rr3ap and �Che rem�val, of specific �re�bage ort ���.tip�� dwe�:lings <br />in the. Comprehensive �epor� ,�2 has been adopted by the Council, pending <br />:; fina� approva� bY �he Vi11a�e A�tarney, <br />�'he Parks;and Recreation Co�mz��ee has reques-�ed residents to ins�ruct <br />�heir children tha-t thEy mus-� �.ea�re �he playground areas when the mawer <br />or other eq��.p�nent is �n opera��.on in o�der to avoid accidents. <br />VILLAGE NE�r1S BR�EFS <br />` SERVICE STAT�ON: H�.�hway `35� and Caun�y Raad E-2. A�TION: A publ�.c <br />hearing wi;�.1. :be held at the' Vil�age,:Ha11 an °Monday;: Sep�ember 2b at ' ' <br />8:OQ p,m. dur�:ng the reg�a.lar Council meeting to ;determ�.ne the feeling <br />af ,�he re s�deri�s 'with `regar�. to- the propcased re-zoni:ng o� this proper;�y <br />