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' No. :18 ' Qctober 196;7 <br />� THE TQWN CR�ER' <br />r �" <br />C� <br />� �ui�lished by The Arden, Associatian, ,Inc.. <br />� <br />,,. V�LLAGE ELECTION: NOVEMBER 7�S THE DAY: �Filing; � <br />�+ � for Vi lage Offices to be fillad is naw official- <br />�' �*� ly closed. They are as follows: <br />;' <br />, :� �' <br />�, `- MAYOR {two- ear termj. Dr. Robert B�orndahZ', <br />, �= 31 3 Na. Lexington, presen�ly a Gouncilman,: <br />- has filed. Nayor Nethercu� has anr�ounced he <br />'' � wil3. no� be a candidate for re-elec�ion. <br />� ��.�� : <br />, , TWQ TRUSTEE P05ITIONS (each a '�hxee�yea�.'term) <br />�� 2ncwnbeiii John Ho].lenhorst,�� Venus; E. <br />j Gra� Henderson, 25�$ Glenarden Rv�d and Jame� <br />� Plemmons, 1900 Edg�water Ave., have fiZed. <br />"'� <br />JUSTTCE 4F THE PEACE ( twa- ear �erm} , Inciun- <br />`� '�� ent Douglas Barthany, ].92 Jerra�.d and Jar�.es <br />• LaVaI1.e, 1322 Cannon Ave. , have f�.led. <br />• A candidates meeting sponsored by.The League of `: , <br />'� ' women Voiers of Ardera H�lls wi�.7. be held on Thurs- <br />�►._- <br />, i,---..�....,,.� � day, November 2 at 7:3Q PM at the Village Hall. <br />: CQME A ND MEET YOUR CA ND�DATES A ND TAKE AN ACTIVE PART IN VTLLAGE ELECTIONS. <br />REMENBER TO V�TE ON N4�TEMBER 7 between the hours of <br />7 AN and $ PM at your precinat located �n either �he <br />Vi�.7.a�e Hall ar Lake Johanna E�ementary School. <br />V�LLAGE P�EWS BRIEFS <br />: THE pAK WILT SURVEY has been comp3.eted. A total of l.�9D trees l.oca�ed on I�.3, <br />�!o�s were marke as di.seased. No Dutch E].m disease was discavered; hawever, . <br />-L',.e treQ specia�.ists did recor�rnend the immedia�e removal of any dead E].ms, <br />y�:_�^��� z�ill be a publ�.c meeting in th� near future to discusa the outcame of <br />�his sw,�^T�ey. <br />WA�'ER�IMPROVEMENT FOR ARDEN HILL� 3(the southern end af Lake Jahanna) has <br />' bQen �.pprotred and the bid awarded �o McDona�,d and Assoc, ,�nc. , with re- <br />quir�d. comp�.eiion dat� �o be Decembe� 31p 1967. <br />LAKE JOSEPHII�TE DRATNAGE DITCH. A meeting of the affected residen��, along <br />U�� �h Trustee : Bob B jorndahl and �he V�].�age Engineer, was held thE end of Sep-± <br />`, ;��mbsra �'he residen�s presen�eci an en�ire3.y new approach �:nd plan from �he <br />��ri�inal one proposed. The feasibil3.ty of �his new plan was referred to <br />Engine�er Lund. Since both Engineer Lund and Trustes B�arndahl were unable <br />' to a�c-�end the 4c�ober 9�o�ncil Meeting, the report on �h�s proposal. w3�.1 be <br />c�? �eusned at �the October 30 Council Meeting. Residents who �rould like firs�-_ <br />rznci a.n�ormat3.on on this are ur ed to attend �h�s Counci�. Mee�in .: <br />UN�IGHTLY AREA ON THE WEST' �IDE QF NEW BR�GHTON �QAD BETWEEN HUDSON AVENUE '; <br />'� ,,ANv THE ` S0� LI T CK ." In response to our Counc�l. f s reque st of the New <br />--- : <br />�righton Council �o ins�igate some clean-up action:-on these New Brighton �.: <br />,� <br />