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No. 19 N�vember �.967 <br />: THE TOWN CRTER <br />�� <br />. <br />� .'.,.�� Publ�.shed by �ine A�den Associa�ion <br />�� <br />� ` <br />�: �'C4� The results of �he Vi�.lage �leetionis held <br />� ' �y, Navember 7 are : <br />� � Robart B�arndahl, 3183 No. Lex3ng�on - M&yor, <br />� �.�,/' 2-year tex�n; Jahn Hollenhorst, 1822 Venus - <br />9 � � Trustee, 3�-year term; E. Gray Hendersan, 2508 .. <br />��} G1�narden Road - Trustee, 3-year �ex�m; Doug= , <br />`� o las Barthany, �.926 Jerro�.d - Justice of the' . <br />m '�� Peace, 2-year term. <br />; <br />� The Arden Association Seaond Annual Dinner-�` <br />' Dance he 1d at McGu�re s, 1Vovember 3, was a <br />'' xesound�.ng succe�s. 1.50 people a��end@d. <br />� Barb Schrosdl hosted �he enterta3.nmen� pra-- <br />� vyded by Miss Arden Hi�ls, KoreEn Kosse; a <br />singing graup of 1.�. Arden Ha.11s residents <br />-•-� � lea by Haroid NeZsan and �he awarding oF do;o�,,, ' <br />'�''� s''' prizss. Ntusic for dancing was supglied. The <br />� f� En�er�ainmsn� Cnmm3ttee worked hard and <br />'��__, shauld be grati�'ied by �he success of the : <br />evening. <br />.. :�,_ <br />.. ,: ., <br />A profit-making corpora�ion w�shes�a secure a special use permi� �o con <br />- s�ruc� �. apar�ment uni�ts adjacent ta and north of the S�. Pau]. Bible Ga1- <br />lege praper�y in Arden Hills, which a,s d�.rect�y to �he south of Hark�ris <br />Drive-In. Three to 3� of the un3ts wou�d be available far pub�ic ren�al. <br />A Public Heari.n io di.scuss �his reques� wi11 be held by the Planni.n ' Com- � <br />m ss on on Tues ay, December at :Op PM a� the V3.11a E Hal1.. <br />��'-�.��.�..�_�,r,�.�.�.�_,.. �y_..: �.�- _.��.�---ti__-.--___..-..--�-'r <br />IF YOU ARE �NTERESTED �N GROWTH PLANS FOR YOUR <br />� V�LLAGE --- ATTEN'D THESE PUBi,IC HEARINGS � <br />_ _ . ,�--•_.•--•-•^----�,,.�-.--,�.�--�----- .^•.,... •--._..:.l. ^^.-_.�r-- ~ <br />Jose hine Hi��.s �4 Plattin� Public Hearin wi�l a�so be he�d at 8:Q0 PM a't <br />the"V�:11a�e H�11 on Tuesday, �ecember This pla�ting area i� loca�ed to <br />the Nor�h of the xn�ersect3.on 'of'����Ti13.�r. Lane and Car�.ton DrivE. <br />VILLAGE N�EWS BR�EF� <br />Osk Wi�.t. survey meeting was he�d November 1. Ta aa.d in �he d�sposal _ of <br />dise�ased� oaks, th� Parks and Recreat�an Commit�ee ha� arranged for an,:area <br />in the Vi31a�;p on tahich -�o dump �he cu�-up trees. A11 resider�ts having <br />!'marked" trees from the survey and wauld �.ike ass�.stance, shou3.d cantact <br />�he Vi11�.ge Glerk (b�3-56�b) to a�range a�iime when �ha Maintenance Depar�- <br />ment personnel` can mee� with the homeowner at, the designated site. <br />Lake Jose'Draina e Ditch - Sincs a permanent solution to this drainage; <br />; problem has' na� as ye� esn found, the' VilTage Go�.n�-il has aga�.n referred <br />, . ; : � <br />