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� <br />� <br />c�1�` �a <br />`a�� <br />� <br />Na... 3b .7une I369 _ <br />, TH� Tti��N CRI �A _ e <br />pttblis�;ed Yy Ti�e A��en �issociation <br />AIta�N H�I,i,S P�DiI�IDARY CHANG�: . C�uncilm.�rt , <br />Ho2ler►izorst and. Iiende�sor� �ave been appaia�ed <br />by the Council. to �e�t �rifih r.epreser�t�tives. .. <br />�r�n titew Bri�hton on the.matt�r af a propQsed : <br />bouadary chan�e between t�e �wo viZlages. <br />Flanner Car3, .17a1.e regarded the consid�r�t.iar► . <br />af establishizg Inters'�at� I'ree�aay I..35W �s <br />�.he bou�.da�� ?�e�ween the two viiZ�ges. . As �� <br />is now estab].ished gor�ions of.I�ew �righton ��e <br />eas'� o� 35W, in particular t�.ose areas west �} <br />�.ak� Johaz�na ar�rl sauthw�st o:f Round Zake. �7a1� <br />noted i�. saas esse�tially a le�a.� �a�ter. Ti�e - <br />New Brigh.t�n P�.anning Cornnisaion requested tha� <br />Ard.en �ilts call the first mee�ia.ngs <br />T�7TE�NAT'L PA�'E� CA. �R�AFCS G�OUND: P�ayor <br />$jorndahls T. T, �3wardss ��dvJest Regzona� <br />r�a.n�ger far IF Conta�.�er Biva:sion anci o�her <br />officiais me� t�r a brzef cere�:ony at t�� I� <br />plan� site. �ir. Edtr�rds cp�en�ed the plant <br />taas scheduled far conpletion i.n the S�ring af '70,. <br />When.. �� fu�.1 op�ration it wi].1 e�pl•ay IS(3 peop�e� <br />PUBLIC Hr�'tIP�G; �'earia� tor Se�aer imarove�an� �3 <br />iacafied �n the raa�c-t� end of ti��e vi3la�de, east o� <br />Hi.ghway 10 has b�en scheduled zar �une 9 a� 8�:{��}�m <br />at tha V'�.Iiag�: Ha3.le .. <br />CIV�C C�'N!`�R PR�P��I'Y: Attorr�ey .Sa�,Iand has reviexaed tt�e �itZe far t3�e Flc�ral �3rzve �ract <br />o�r land and £inds it e�ear. A�tozne�r t'.aurtney.has met with 1�SP of�a.cials segardinQ tha� <br />co�p�np's easem�nt on this property ar�d �.he pro�erty's feasibili�y has t�een eas�ablas#�e�. <br />The clasin4 for th� pro�ertp w�s appraved by Counci.�., sp�ci.f�c �se o� this property* wil3 <br />be deter��,ned Ia�er. <br />i�L�lL�.+�. BREia�NG COt1Phi�Y FUZLDI�IG: ;A �equest �as been raad� by. the Theoc�dre I�am� �re�aing �o� <br />for a buildin.g �ex�ito The P�anning Co�m?ssion received t�e a��plicati.on artd �z�elir�inary <br />plans sh�swing �,ocatio�t. TIie seven aez�e site is ��c�ted east of .H�gl�wap S1, north o€ �he � <br />Soo Lzne tracks, g�.�eral}.p �,zest oi Robex�s. Ind�stri�I Park a�d south. af Intex�tat'i Pape� : <br />sita. One haif of the bux� ding �aau1� � e�:sed as .2 ror i�i� `s. Tk�e o�har �ial� <br />�rouid be used by Con�inantal Gan Car�pat�y' for t hse �nat��factt�re of cans. The �ota1 nuAtbez nf . <br />�e�.ployees w�s estimated at I2{}, Afr. Sehnezder of �ia�m °.s requested assuranca �ro� �he <br />vil3age that cons'�ructiori tar this p�ant wili �e percaitted b�fore l�.ma�'s purthasa o� �he <br />site anc3 tha �zocee�ir�� of the bu�Iding. t'3.annin� t:or�ssia�, seco�m�aded ap.proval: of �he <br />�ventua3, i:ssuance csf a btiilding pe�it, subje�t 'ta cor�plianee wit�Z tke vi�la�e bttildz� <br />cade ard zoninb ar.dznances. Caurecil approved rhe bu� Z�zng permzt as. recorc�entied by M?�� <br />Planning :Co�issiar.� <br />�OTr�PdTIAL APA'�'1,'I���iT� SITES, An evalua�iar� a£ potenti3� �ultip.�..e dwell�a� sites .were � <br />presented bp Plar�ner �ai�. Tfxe �'Ianning Com�issi.oa �ilz consider t€�is �sese��ation again <br />c�n June 3. as not all. c:or�:tissi.on memb.zrs x��re p�esent. .�.� i�.at �i�:e a public hearin ' <br />�ill be�duled. to detertnir.e tl�� site� t+� be incl�dee3 zn the prpposed aIIer�d�d apa.��er�� . <br />policy statements� - <br />. _ � <br />;.. , , . , f <br />