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iiEAii Y� : H�AR 7CE : <br />RE$IAEiVT9 OP' ARDE��3 HILI3 <br />In MAy of 1966 the Ardan Assaciation was i`or�ed. mheir gaal� <br />hava alwaya beans <br />To help �ainiain �the Rrd�n Hi�],s image <br />Ta aesiet eille�ge governing baards regarding public npinion <br />, To promota and �'os$er oivic . improrr�ments <br />To pTO1C4':'+3 good r�eighborhood xelationa <br />To aollect and die�emins�te informatian of civic in�erea� <br />Over the past yeara people From all over your village hays contribu#,ed <br />many haura of coogerative eFfort in the hope af d�veloping an efPective <br />and warthwhile arg�nixation. Beaau�a oP th$ accaptance and ant�ueiQa� <br />of you and your neighbors i� has bean #'un �e well as res�ard�ng work. <br />Tha "Town Crierp, the v�'f�.cia1 publication o�' the Arden Aseopi�.tion, <br />hae attempted to inf'or�n you monthly oF ddvslopmsnte in evsry corner <br />oP Arden Hillg. This month so th�t all residents may have an oppartunity <br />io heaame acquainted with tha Ard�n Aseoaiation, a copy of the "Crierp <br />is bsing sent to svery i'amily in the �►zl�aga. <br />Ii' we are ta nontinue t�o maintain our gaals and fu1Pi11 our civic <br />obligation�, we naed evaryons i.n the Village ta pe►rticipate �y being <br />a msmber of ths Arden Ra�ociation. Memberah�,p is �2.Of} psr i'e�ily <br />per year. �his fea ie primarily �io anver the aoe� of mailir� tha <br />'tTown Grisr"a <br />At the battom oP 'ihia pa�e is � tear-off sectian far y�u to m�il in <br />for yvur menabsrship. Alao included fe a self-addresssd envalope �a <br />ane oP the member�hip �ht�irmon i'ar your convenience.. <br />T0: Mrs. W�.11�.am �illiea <br />1735 (7ryst�.1 <br />St. Paulf Minnesota ��112 <br />Enclosod ie �2.QQ Pvr z���bership �,n �hs <br />ARDEN A880CIATZON for the year I�72-73. <br />Nramo <br />Addresa <br />phons Renerr�.n�_ New <br />