The Official City Newsletter for Arden Hills Residents April 2001
<br /> Arden Hills' former mayors: Where are they now?
<br /> Arden Hills has had ten mayors since living in the Twin Cities (a daugh- Lake Josephine, and surrounds
<br /> its incorporation(then as a village)in ter who is a programmer for Crepeau Nature Preserve
<br /> 1951. Of our former nine mayors,five are Northwest Airlines and a (named after another former
<br /> still living,but only one is still an Arden son who runs a restau- mayor).This included the
<br /> Hills resident! rant kitchen) and a son creation of"Lake
<br /> Bob Woodburn,mayor from 1981 who is with a Woodburn,"the pond
<br /> until 1989, still lives on Ingerson Court pipeline company in just south of the
<br /> with his wife, Sally, in the house they California. Lexington entrance to
<br /> purchased in 1962, and where they raised Bob's interest and Arden Plaza,the excava-
<br /> their family. activities in public affairs tion of which allowed con-
<br /> Bob is also the longest-serving former in Arden Hills began soon after they struction of the mall's southeast driveway
<br /> mayor still living,and one during whose moved to Ingerson Court.The prospective and parking lot.
<br /> terms of office the city's population dou- construction of significant multifamily A development that was well meant
<br /> bled to 8,000(it's currently 9,652). housing seemed to threaten the quiet resi- but generated controversy was permitting
<br /> This,the first of two articles about for- dential ambience that had drawn many erection of the radio tower south of
<br /> mer mayors,is about Woodburn and his residents to Arden Hills(then relatively Round Lake,on territory acquired from
<br /> years as mayor. Others will form the sub- new as an incorporated village). He New Brighton as a result of construction
<br /> ject of a subsequent article.They include became part of a group that called them- of 1-35W.This 17-acre tract was intended
<br /> the first three mayors,all now deceased: selves the Arden Association.They to provide a buffer between the commer-
<br /> Walter Cummings(1951-54),Bob charged dues,held meetings,and attempt- cial zoning west of Round Lake and the
<br /> Ashbach(1954-63),and D.F. Kennedy ed to(and did,to a large extent)influence residential area east of the lake. However,
<br /> (1963-66).Then followed Bob Nethercut the city's development primarily in a sin- the original 24-hour strobe lighting gener-
<br /> (1966-68),now a Shoreview resident;Dr. gle-family residential direction. Among ated many complaints, and was modified
<br /> Robert Bjomdahl(1968-70),now a Grant, other activities,they published an inde- only after litigation was threatened.
<br /> Minn.,resident with a dental practice in pendent newsletter,the Town Crier,of Other developments that Bob recalls
<br /> St.Paul;Henry Crepeau(1970-81), which Arden Hills Notes,now the official as subjects of discussion prior to and dur-
<br /> deceased;Charlie Crichton(part of 1981), newsletter(with printing and distribution ing his terms of office include a major
<br /> now a Burnsville resident;and Tom Sather funded by the city),is a descendant. increase in street lighting(and attendant
<br /> (1989-94),now in Victoria,Minn.Our Bob served first as a member and then increased cost),enforcement of decibel
<br /> present mayor,Dennis Probst,took office as chair of the zoning board,and was elect- limits of boat motor noise on Lake
<br /> in 1994. ed a city councilmember in 1975.He served Johanna, as well as dealing with the
<br /> A native of Illinois,Bob(Dr. Robert frequently as acting mayor from 1978 until switch from a small village police force to
<br /> Woodburn,during his professional career) 1981,was appointed mayor in 1981,and contracting with the Ramsey County sher-
<br /> received his medical education at the elected for a second term 1985-89. iff. No jobs were lost,as the sheriff hired
<br /> University of Illinois and interned at Among the more significant events of the officers that had previously been city
<br /> United/Miller Hospitals in St.Paul, where his terms as mayor that he recalls were employees. He views in a favorable light
<br /> he remained on the staff as a pathologist the development of Arden Plaza, south of the city's acquisition of even the small
<br /> until his retirement from medical practice County Road E at Lexington Avenue,and portion of the TCAAP(Arsenal)property
<br /> in 1989. Since 1987,he and Sally have the zoning of the land south of there to now the site of city hall construction,
<br /> owned and operated Woody's True Value include a gradual transition from the com- since at one time it seemed as though the
<br /> Hardware in Plymouth,Minn.,where they mercial area to the apartments on Pine Federal government would never give up
<br /> actually work about five days a week Tree Drive and Harriet Avenue to the sin- any of the property.
<br /> (usually not Thursdays or Fridays).They gle family residential area that then
<br /> have three grown children,the two eldest extends south toward Ingerson Drive and (Continued inside)
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