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AGENDA <br /> PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE <br /> Tuesday,June 27, 2000, 7:00 P.M. <br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY HALL <br /> 4364 W. ROUND LAKE ROAD <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> Chairperson, Jim Johnson, called the June 27, 2000 meeting of the Parks and Recreation <br /> Committee to order at 7:03 p.m. <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT <br /> Members present were Jim Johnson; Don Tix; Jim Crassweller; Rich Straumann; and Steve <br /> Zilmer. <br /> MEMBERS ABSENT <br /> Members absent were Don Messerly and Louis Speggen, who had called to notify the committee <br /> of their absence; and Patrick Krenn. <br /> OTHERS PRESENT <br /> • Others present were David Grant, Council Liaison; Tom Moore, Parks and Recreation Director; <br /> Michelle Olson, Recreation Program Supervisor; and Sheila Stowell, Recording Secretary. <br /> APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br /> The Agenda was approved by consensus, with the addition of Council Liaison Report. <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br /> MOTION: Committee member Crassweller moved and member Straumann seconded a <br /> motion to approve the May 23, 200 meeting minutes as amended. The motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> AGENDA ITEMS <br /> Day in the Park 2000 Review <br /> Director Moore summarized the event. The budgeted amount for the event was $1,750 within <br /> the Parks Maintenance budget, which will probably be reallocated during the 2001 budget <br /> process. Actual expenses for the enlarged event this year were approximately$5,100, as <br /> itemized in a staff memorandum presented at the meeting. Mr. Moore expressed appreciation to <br />