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Chair: <br /> Tony Peleska (2023) <br />Secretary: <br />Gary Gerding (2022) <br />Board Members: <br /> Aisha Elmquist (2024) <br /> Linda Hansohn (2023) <br /> Kathy Johnson (2024) <br /> Susan Johnson (2022) <br /> Renee Marino (2024) <br /> <br />Staff Liaison: <br /> David Swearingen <br /> <br /> <br />Karth Lake Improvement <br />District Board <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />Tuesday <br />April 12, 2022 <br /> <br />1245 W. Highway 96 <br />Arden Hills, MN 55112 <br />651.792.7800 <br /> <br />Agenda <br />Board Meeting Convenes at 6:30 PM <br />CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL <br />1. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA <br />2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />3. BOARD MEMBER ELECTIONS: Terms expire for Susan Johnson and Gary Gerding <br />4. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND SECRETARY <br />5. PUBLIC INQUIRIES <br />6. OLD BUSINESS <br />6.1 Remediation of BMP #1 Site, Plan Next Steps – David Swearingen and Board <br /> <br />6.1.1 Background: In 2021 the city completed installation of a drain that brings the runoff from the parking lots <br />and roads south of Karth Lake down to the lake. This eliminates the erosion that took place as the runoff flowed <br />down the hill and into the lake. The next step is to divert the drain to empty in a ponding area to filter out the <br />nutrients, oils, organic compounds, and soils in the runoff. <br /> <br />6.2 Progress Report on No-Trespassing Sign – David Swearingen <br /> <br />6.2.1 Background: The Board requested replacement of the No-Trespassing Sign to warn the public not to cross <br />the land bridge from Cummings Park to the residential area to the north. Renee M. noted that the sign was <br />agreed to and authorized in the July 14, 2009, KLIDB Meeting. Action from 10/26/22 Meeting: David <br />Swearingen will review this history and decide what to do. <br /> <br />6.3 Add Grit Chambers to storm drains that empty into Karth Lake and do not have Grit Chambers now. Next <br />Steps: Show map of existing storm drains and grit chambers that empty into Karth Lake – David Swearingen <br /> <br />6.3.1 Background: There is only one storm drain inlet to Karth Lake that does not have a grit chamber: the one <br />on Karth Lake Circle. This will be corrected when that road is repaved in about 2026. <br />6.4 Karth Lake water level modeling and management process progress report – Renee Marino <br /> <br /> 6.4.1 Background: Renee Marino’s Hypothesis: a revision to the pump management policy can reduce water <br />level bounce (i.e., range of high and low levels), which can improve lake quality and its environment while <br />appropriately mitigating risk of damage to shoreline properties. For more background on this topic, please <br />review the following link in advance of the meeting: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />