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Minutes of Regular Weting of Parks and Recreation Committee <br /> • Village of Arden HiiIs <br /> Tuesday , January 13, 076 <br /> Village Hall <br /> Call to Order <br /> The meeting was called to order at 3 : 10 p .m. by Chairman <br /> Anderson . <br /> Rol ! Call <br /> Present : Chairman Anderson , G. Beggin , M. Blomquist, R. Cadwell , <br /> M. Cronin , C. Grudnoske, G. McCauley and 0. Noyed <br /> Absent : R. O' Toole <br /> Also Present: Parks Director J . Buckley , Councilman Crichton <br /> F�proval of Minutes <br /> It was moved by C. Grudnoske that the minutes of the November <br /> 18, 1975 meeting be approved with the word "camouflage" in Lift <br /> Station Camouflage be changed to "beautification" . Motion <br /> seconded by G. Beggin , unanimously approved . <br /> Oath of OfYce to C ymittee <br /> • The oaths of office were administered to the committee by <br /> Councilman Crichton . <br /> Council Repor-t <br /> Councilman Crichton presented expenditure information by the <br /> Parks and Recreation Department thus far, and commended <br /> j . Buckleyls administration of these funds . <br /> Planning Commission tje!por'� <br /> was no report from the Planning Commission . <br /> Report on 5 Year Site 11provemant-Ply <br /> M. Blomquist presented this report to the committee. J . Buckley <br /> will inciuda in next month ' s agenda a list of developments <br /> desired on the five parks, Valentine, Perry , Freeway , Ingerson <br /> and Sampson . These park sites have development plans that have <br /> been approved by the Parks and Recreation Committee and re- <br /> viewed by the Council . <br />