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Mirtri,,s of Regular Parks and Recreation Commit-tee Maeting <br /> • Tuesday, June 11 , 1975, 8: 00 P .M . <br /> Village of Arden Hills <br /> Village Hall <br /> Call -o Order <br /> The meting was called to order at 8 : 15 P .M . by Chairman Ande,--son . <br /> Roll Call <br /> Present: Ohalr�nan Anderson , G . Seggin, M . Bloriquist, K. Boss, <br /> R. Cad yell , M . Cronin, M . Erickson , C . Grudnoske, <br /> P . Lindquist, N . McIntosh, and J . McTavish <br /> Absent: G. McCauley <br /> Also Present: Parks Directcl,r J . Buckley and Councilman Crichton <br /> Karen Caswell and Megan Gange, University of Minnesota <br /> Arch ictactural Landscape students <br /> 109an Ekegren , Parks and Racreation summer employee <br /> .Eo� l of Minii-tes <br /> A motion was made by M. Blomquist, seconded by C . Grudnoske, to <br /> approve the mInLlt9S Of the May 27 meoTing as mal !ed . Mot i on <br /> Carr iod . <br /> • Landscape Students <br /> Ms . Caswell and Ms . Garage gave a resume .-)f their backgrounds and <br /> displayed for the Committee several samples of landscape studies <br /> they have done as studonts at the University . They 1-hen explained <br /> in detall what type of study they would do for the Arden Hills Parks <br /> and Recreal"lon Department at the Flor 'ii Perk site and the Hazel <br /> Nut Patch site . J . McTavish male a motion that Co;iimittee contact <br /> Megan and Karen, and li'r they woiuld be agreoable 1-0 presenting a <br /> soil , vegetation , wild life Inventory of the site, physiographic <br /> character i st 1 cs and wa-i-ocr dra i nage , rssu I I`. ng i n a constra I r4t map, <br /> and,, if furl-her, upon receipt of information from the Committee <br /> regarding facilities desired in the park, they will draw two or <br /> three aiternativel general site plarts of he area ( Floral Park and <br /> Hazel Patchl for $600 .00P Goinwilti-Ge requests the Counci I Is <br /> approvai of this . This work is expecired to be dono in ninety (Jays . <br /> A third, student not present, Br;Vd Seifuf , would be working with <br /> them also . Glenn Seggin seconded, thG MOtiOn Was Unanimously <br /> approved . <br /> Counct I i ejoat - Counci Iman Crichton <br /> The Council <br /> - approved spending the balance of -i-he money in the 11379 <br /> Sparc and DayActivit,'i Conter aCCOUnt ( $ 137 .50) but requested <br /> that It not be paid as per person rai-a . <br /> 0 - They agreed with and approved has six-week summer parks <br /> activity program . <br />