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Minutes of SpeciaL Parks and lecreation Committee Meeting <br /> Tueslay April 22, 19705 8:00 P.M. <br /> • Village of Arden Hills <br /> village Hall <br /> , Call to Order <br /> Tine mctetirtg was called tc, oreer at 8`5 p.m. by Chairman Anderson <br /> R,311 Call <br /> Present: Chairman Anderson, K. Boss, R. Cadwell, M. Cronin, P. Lindquist, <br /> N. AcIntosh, C. Gru.dnoske and J. McTavish <br /> Kosenv: G. Beggin, M. Blomcuist, M. Erickson and G. McCauley <br /> Also Present: Parks Director J. Buckley and Councilman Crichton <br /> A-7)))roval of Minutes <br /> The minutes of` April 8, 1975 should be corrected as follows: <br /> Ramsey_C?y1ty._2ETi Space, <br /> A motion was made by K. Boss, seconded by C. Grudnoske, that the <br /> Committee hold a public hearing to give the neighborhood an op- <br /> portunity to discuss the proposed purchase of property south of <br /> Round Lake and use of land south of Round 1,ake. <br /> FlEnn n Comr.ission Re <br /> Ll _poE.t <br /> • McTavish recomended that ordinance 98, 175 arad 147 be revf!ewed <br /> to be sure they cover all types of developments under the 101 open <br /> Epace rule. <br /> Le jxing,.I-on Avenue "mproyenent <br /> It-was reco=ande(t that the west side of Lexington, adjacent to <br /> CuMmInts Park, not be i-,Yi,"'ened or disturbcdn <br /> A motion was r.iade by K. Boss, seconded by C. Grudnoske to approve the min- <br /> utes za. am-anded. Notion carried unanimously, <br /> Hunters Park <br /> C, Grudnoske ga-7e a complete report on Hunters Park from Marcli of 1972 to the <br /> present date, The Comiittee liscussed Hunters Pa---k, looking at pr:oposed park <br /> ai,ea plan, and decide,-" that it was toe:: early in to mall-e any <br /> de,f inite plans for the park. <br /> Fl.cral Park <br /> R. Auderson presen-.,ed E. compl(ne -uritten rero,,�-t to each member on the Committee. <br /> Tt,.e park was then Jiscussed, and a map Of ays,& wag; reviewed. R. Anderson <br /> Kcra.1 Park should be cv- p-r-to-ity lira for -,!,vve_1opm_ ent considering; the pop- <br /> ulstioa of this ar-aa. <br />