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I I <br /> V 11 I-a g e II a L 1 <br /> "all to Order <br /> Meeting wat; called to ord:r at 8:10 by Chairman Anderson <br /> Roll Call <br /> Present: Chairman Andersor, C. "gig M. BLomquist, K. Boss, R, Cadwell, H. Cronin <br /> M. Erickscin, P. Lindquist, s,y. NcCa..Oey, N. McIntosh, J, McTavish <br /> Absent; C. �;rudnoske <br /> Also Present: Parks Director j. Buck_ey, Councilman C. Crichton <br /> Approval of I'llinutes <br /> The Minutes of the November 11, ]1_975, January 14, 1975 and January 21, 1975 were <br /> approved as submitted. <br /> Oath of Office <br /> Councilman Crichton administerad the i-lath of �,-)ffice to me-mbers the Parks and <br /> Recreation Committee. <br /> • .Council Report <br /> Councilman Crichton reported on the business. 'Dertaining to the Parks and Recreation. <br /> C. G. Rein has agreed to dedicatle a t;)tal of acres in the Johanna West area. <br /> Council approved an offer to purchass aaout 14.67 acres of Mrs. Cummings property <br /> for park purposes in Karth Lake Area. <br /> Arden Manor <br /> Committee received a proposed plan chowing where �rde-a Hanor plans required park <br /> acreage and facilities. Discussion followed covering walet",,?r plan fits committees <br /> requirements. J. Buckley explaiaed areas and urea. <br /> Fl **aim Coissioa�. Rex t <br /> T win City Christ4an Himdes <br /> J. McTavish reported that the Planning Co <br /> recommended to deny <br /> T.C.C.H. Special Use Permit. J T J. Mcavieh V Rev. Larry Peterso3 <br /> 7.,3,-as not aware that the Park3 11,:'Pimittee int,:!.zested i`a using part of <br /> the land for a neighborhozd pa;­k. <br /> A motion was made by J. McTavivh, ascorded by H. Erickson, thzt the <br /> Committee reconmends to the Council acquisition of land as �iescribed in <br /> • ?let Map 27-Townsbip :30-range 33, 14. <br /> Approximately 6 acres. If Council agrisas, I.IAC Committee reco:,ffaends that <br /> latterE be sent to Mx a. NvkIxZa," ?less. L. Peterson aad Louis J. Hermes Jr. <br /> 1'iotion carried. <br />