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ECR-WSS <br /> PRST STD <br /> U.S.Postage Paid <br /> St.Paul,MN NH S <br /> Permit#1962 <br /> Arden Hills,MN • 55112-5734 <br /> I Nick Tamble appointed to City Council <br /> n City tickets for minor traffic offenses <br /> Postal Customer The Official City Newsletter for Arden Hills Residents January/February 2011 <br /> s <br /> Pet licenses, empty houses, and more What's new in Arden Hills for 2011? <br /> I Lindey's earns award <br /> d The City now can ticket you for minor traffic offenses Nick Tamble appointed <br /> Catholic Aid Association renamed rivers who commit minor traffic Malfunctioning vehicle equipment, to City Council <br /> e D infractions in Arden Hills now could such as a broken headlight or loud On January 31 the City Council appointed <br /> receive a$60 administrative citation muffler Nick Tamble to fill the opening created <br /> in lieu of a traditional traffic ticket. In Failure to obey a stop or yield sign when David Grant became mayor in the <br /> November the Arden Hills City Council and/or line middle of his City <br /> authorized the Ramsey County Sheriff's Hitching a bike, sled,or other illegal Council term.Nick <br /> Office to issue new administrative cita- object behind a vehicle Tamble and his wife <br /> tions in Arden Hills.The Council also ap- Kimberly are seven- <br /> proved an ordinance establishing issuance Recipients have 14 days to pay the fine year residents of Arden <br /> Notes from the City Council procedures. or file a protest.Contested citations are Hills.After running <br /> decided by an independent administrative for City Council last <br /> A new State law allows cities to issue hearing officer.Citation recipients also can fall and applying for <br /> As we start 2011,I look back at what This year I would like us to keep our use. As many of you their own citations for certain traffic decline the citation and receive a tradi- the vacant seat in <br /> we have accomplished and look focus on the existing City and its needs. know,the City has been violations.The citations have a$60 fine, tional traffic ticket,which they can contest December,Nick gladly <br /> forward to what we can accomplish this I want us to work efficiently and cost planning actively and which is much less than a regular State in regular District Court.The Sheriff's accepted the appoint- <br /> year. Now I view things from the perspec- effectively in meeting our needs. As you working for more than citation.The new administrative citations Office provides a pamphlet with detailed ment to City Council and looks forward to <br /> tive of being your Mayor. I am honored may know,the City will turn 60 years of 15 years to bring this also aren't recorded on recipients'driving instructions.If an offender fails to pay the working together with the Council,staff <br /> to have been elected as your Mayor and age this year. Our infrastructure—roads, about.Due to its size and location,this records.All other cities which contract administrative citation fine,a State ticket and residents. Nick will be the liaison <br /> I look forward to serving the residents sewers,water towers,and more—needs area has importance to the future of Arden with the Sheriff's Office also are partici- will be issued. to the Communications Committee and <br /> and businesses of the City. While on the ongoing maintenance. Failure to maintain Hills and our neighboring cities. pating."It's another tool for our deputies brings 20 years of business operations <br /> campaign I met many people and talked our infrastructure today will cost all of us to address traffic complaints in our com- With traditional tickets,most of the fine experience to the table. Some of Nick's in- <br /> over a lot of issues which the Council will more in later years. I would also like us to It is an honor to be your Mayor,and I munity,"Sheriff's Office Commander Joe revenue goes to the State.With adminis- terests include: fishing,gardening,travel, <br /> address this year. go beyond maintenance projects and make thank you for the privilege. I look forward Paget told the Council. trative citations,the State gets one-third renewable energy,and fine art. <br /> improvements in the City and the services to serving you in this new capacity. If you and the municipality gets two-thirds. <br /> With my election as Mayor a vacant posi- we offer. have an issue or concern,please contact Administrative citations can be issued According to State law,half of the city's "The warm welcome I am receiving is <br /> tion was created on the Council. This is me by phone or e-mail. only for the few infractions pre- revenues must be spent on law enforce- appreciated,and I would like to acknowl- <br /> because a seated Councilmember cannot While I believe that TCAAP should not n scribed by State law.They include: ment initiatives.The Sheriff's Office is- edge all who voted and supported me. <br /> also serve as Mayor. In January the City be our primary focus,we need to continue JIL � Speeding,if it's less than 10 sued nearly 1,100 administrative citations Thank you so much!„he said. <br /> Council conducted interviews and selected to work on TCAAP and the land transfer, GGGVVV miles per hour over the limit in our neighboring communities in the first <br /> Nick Tamble to assume the last two years clean-up,and development of 535 acres of David Grant three quarters of 2010. Share with Nick at nick.tamble@ci.arden- <br /> of m term. Man of you may remember land from Arm to public and/or private or 612-819-7995. <br /> Y Y Y Y Y P P Mayor <br /> Nick as a candidate for Councilmember in --- <br /> this past elution. Red Cross donation center opens in Arden Hills <br /> Catholic Aid Association renamed <br /> The American Red Cross North Sub- the convenient location and accessibility the lining of blood vessels.Platelets are <br /> In February the new Council will hold a atholic Aid Association has a new president of the association since 1 urban Blood Donation Center has of the relocated North Suburban Blood essential to cancer patients,who often rely <br /> retreat to establish goals for this year. I C name.As of January 1,the Ar- 1998."Catholic is who we are.United moved from Shoreview to 1160 West Donation Center,"said Geoff Kaufmann, on transfusions following chemotherapy <br /> encourage you to contact your Council- den Hills-based organization is called is what we are.Financial is what we County Road E,Arden Hills(the former CEO of the North Central Blood Services and radiation.Donors can give platelets <br /> members with your ideas and concerns. Catholic United Financial."While our do.It makes sense." Delegates at the Mr.Movies store next to TCF Bank).The Region of the American Red Cross."This up to 24 times per year.Donors can give <br /> Contact information can be found in the name has changed,we remain the same association's 2010 Annual Convention move to a larger facility allows the Red new site will also allow for more platelet blood up to six times per year and can give <br /> Service Directory on page two of this member-based company with the same adopted the new name in August.A Cross to also collect platelet donations,in donors to help meet the growing need of red cells up to three times per year. <br /> newsletter. Hearing from you helps us to safe and secure portfolio of life insur- celebratory open house was held addition to collecting blood and red cells. patients." <br /> better understand the issues and represent ance and financial products like annui- January 6. For information about how to donate,visit <br /> your interests. ties and IRAs,"said Michael McGovern, "Red Cross blood and platelet donors in Platelets are small blood components that or call 1-800-RED <br /> the northern suburbs will be pleased with help the clotting process by sticking to CROSS(1-800-733-2767). <br />