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<br /> I Arden Hills,MN• 55112-5734 St.Paul,MN
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<br /> Permit #1962
<br /> n New City Administrator named
<br /> S Public transportation options The Official City Newsletter for Arden Hills Residents May 2010
<br /> t City bond rating is AA+ Now City Administrator begins duties in Arden Hills
<br /> d
<br /> City wins award for financial report rden Hills has a new City He has two bachelor's degrees and a Mas-
<br /> e Administrator.Patrick Klaers'first ters of Arts in Urban Studies from Minne-
<br /> day was May 3.Previously Mr. sota State University Mankato.He started
<br /> Klaers was a longtime administrator in Elk his career working as an administrative
<br /> River."I am looking forward to meeting and planning aide in Northfield from 1976
<br /> new people,interacting with community to 1978.He was city administrator for the
<br /> leaders,and working with the City staff to cities of Fairfax and Franklin in 1979 and
<br /> Notes from the City Council accomplish the goals identified by the City 1980,administrative assistant in Brooklyn
<br /> Council,"Klaers said about starting his Park from 1980 to1983,and Lake Elmo
<br /> Ltke many of you,we just opened up The senior citizen discount was costing the Another change in the rate structure came new position in our City. city administrator from 1983 to 1985.
<br /> our utility bill to see a somewhat City approximately$100,000 a year,with from the State requiring a water conserva-
<br /> large increase even though it appears in more seniors applying for the discount tion fee structure.In 2008,high volume Administrator Klaers replaces Ron Mr.Klaers longest tenure was as city
<br /> the graph that we used less water then each week.The Council voted to phase water users(50,000 gallon per quarter) Moorse,who left late last year. Finance administrator of Elk River from 1986 to
<br /> last year.Knowing full well I voted for out this discount and have a basic charge paid 10 percent less per gallon of water Director Sue Iverson served as acting City 2005,during which the city's population
<br /> this increase along with the other Council for low volume users such as seniors. than those in the senior discount program. Administrator while the City conducted a grew from 9,000 to 22,000.He oversaw a
<br /> members,I shouldn't have been surprised. Although Council did not want to phase The new rate structure charges the high search for a new administrator.The City staff or more than 130 employees and ten Patrick Klaers
<br /> I started thinking about how this hap- out the senior program,it became appar- volume user about 9 percent more per hired the Brimeyer Group search firm department heads. Successes during his
<br /> pened. ent that it was not fair that the rest of the gallon used over 50,000 gallons.This which conducted preliminary screening tenure there included supervising three
<br /> system users should cover these costs. puts Arden Hills in compliance with State and provided the City with ten candidates. downtown and two highway commercial priorities and that they have the authority
<br /> First off the City has no water of its law and will hopefully make people more The City Council selected four finalists redevelopment projects and working complete their jobs in a professional
<br /> m
<br /> own—no wells.All water comes from St. In order for the City to recover its fund aware of their water usage. who were interviewed in late March. with the State and Sherburne County to manner."
<br /> Paul via Roseville;therefore the City balance for the sanitary sewer,an increase Klaers accepted the position,and the improve three major intersections.He also
<br /> pays for each and every drop that comes of 50 percent or more was needed.The This is year two of the three-year catch up Council approved his contract on April 26. identified and acquired strategically locat- When he's not working, Klaers said he
<br /> to us. Second Arden Hills participates in Metropolitan Council sanitary sewer on utility rates.Next year again there will ed properties for city parks and acquired devotes his time to his family and friends.
<br /> the Metropolitan Council's sanitary sewer system fee has increased about 8 percent be larger increases.I guess we're happy Administrator Klaers said he expects the and monitored development of properties He enjoys taking walks with his wife Vicki
<br /> system.Fees from the water and sewer bill annually since 2003,and the City was not that we had lower bills up until now but greatest challenges and opportunities for in the city-owned business parks.In addi- and dog Hugo.He also enjoys golfing,
<br /> pay for day-to-day operations,purchased keeping pace with this increase since the paying for the past increases now doesn't Arden Hills in the next few years will tion,he oversaw construction of several traveling,and attending Minnesota Gopher
<br /> water,Met Council sewer disposal fees 1990s.The Council decided to spread this make it seem any better. include: "moving forward with a TCAAP government facilities,including a city hall, football and basketball games.
<br /> and infrastructure replacement/repair(i.e., increase out over three years instead of proposal;realizing some improvements library,and ice arena.
<br /> lines,meters,water towers). hitting residents with one huge increase all Sincerely, to the interstate,State,and County
<br /> at once.The senior discount rate included , !�' transportation systems;and seeing some Administrator Klaers noted,"Nothing in
<br /> The City's water and sewer revenues a flat$45 fee for this item,60 percent l fj redevelopment activity consistent with the city government is accomplished alone.
<br /> have not covered expenditures for many lower than all other users. Guiding Plan for the B2 District." You always have the help of the commu-
<br /> years.In the last 25 years,rates were only nity,City Council,and City staff."
<br /> increased five times(1987, 1994, 1995, The phasing out of the senior program and Brenda Holden Mr.Klaers has more than 30 years experi- Recently,Klaers has served twice as "Nothing in city government is
<br /> 1999,2004)while the City was absorbing the increase in the waste water rate does Arden Hills City Council ence in city government.He has held interim city administrator in Osseo(2006 accomplished alone. You always
<br /> annual increases in costs.When develop- cause a significant increase in senior's numerous leadership positions such as and 2007)and as interim city manager for have the help of the community,
<br /> ing the new rate structure,Council's goals water bills.For this I am sorry,but wading overseeing city staff,collaborating with Excelsior(2007 to 2008). City Council, and City staff."
<br /> were to establish reasonable rates,promote through all the numbers and coming up other units of government,and prepar- Patrick Klaers
<br /> water conservation,and maintain adequate with a fair billing system for all seemed ing and implementing city operating and As a manager,Klaers said he tries to
<br /> cash balances for the water and sewer fund more important. capital improvement budgets,as well as encourage"participation and open,honest
<br /> to be used to maintain and repair Arden comprehensive plans and other manage- communication from everyone involved
<br /> Hills'aging system. ment planning documents. with the issue."He added,"I always
<br /> want to make sure that the city depart-
<br /> ment heads have good direction on work
<br />