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<br /> ~ <br /> . ~~HILLS <br /> Approved: <br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS, MINNESOTA <br /> '''ORK SESSION l\lEETIl\G <br /> OCTOBER 16,2006; 5:00P.M. <br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS <br /> CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL <br /> Pursuant to duc call and noticc thcrcof, Mayor Bcvcrly Aplikowski called to ordcr thc <br /> work session mccting at 5:05 p.m. <br /> Prcsent: Mayor Beverly Aplikowski, Councilmembers Grcgg Larson, David Grant, <br /> Brcnda Holden, and Vincent Pcllegrin <br /> Absent: None <br /> . Also prescnt wcrc City Administrator, Michcllc Wolfe; Community Development <br /> Director, Karcn Barton; Assistant City Administrator, Schawn Johnson; and Parks and <br /> Rccreation Managcr, Michelle Olson <br /> Pl nC Park Tour- <br /> Members of thc Parks, Trails, and Rccreation Committee mcmbers providcd the City Council <br /> with a tour of the City's park syskll1. The park tour visitcd current and/or future parks, trails, <br /> and community buildings, The following is a list of the locations that thc PTRC and City <br /> Council visitcd: <br /> . Cummings Park (old wamling house buildingltcnnis courts); <br /> . Floral Park (Buckthorn project/ne\vly resurfaccd tennis courts); <br /> . Frec\vay Park (Warnling housc building/County Road E trail) <br /> . Hazelnut Park (Wanning house building/Diagonal trail); <br /> . PCITY Park (Trail conncction possibilitics to swamp lift road & underpass); <br /> . County Road E2-(Safc routcs to school discussion); <br /> . Valentine Park (Sitc improvcmcnt discussion) <br /> . Old Highway 10 railroad sleeve-(Trail discussion). <br /> The PTRC tour orthc City's parks concluded at 6:30 PM. <br /> TCAAP Framework/Public Financin2 Discussion- <br /> . Community Dcvclopmcnt Dircctor Karcn Barton provided thc City Council with an overvic\'v or <br /> the previous rramework vision conversations. City staff has provided thc City Council with a list <br />