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<br />Agenda Item: <br /> <br />......... ... ........ --------SudgeledAmount:.. ........................... ::----$'0 <br />Actual Amount: .....$500 <br />Funding Source: " "_ _ __________~.~.~.~r~tf_~!1~._::,.,~,~y~rJ~:__~~_~..~.~.!! <br /> <br />7.C. <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br />~HILLS <br />Request for Council Action <br /> <br />Prepared By: Michelle Olson 11110 <br />Dept.: PUbTic Works <br />Council Mtg. Date:...----~ijjy.~~;1oo7:: <br />Final Action Needed By: July 25, 2007 <br /> <br />~~Qncjlli'AJffitJ'Mi!~e:~ue$Itpdit,~~;ru~.".,..,..,."."._~___________.__..................""""_____________".................."".""".."_"_"______________...............""n"____________.___m...m.............""_"___________"__,,_,,................"."."____________"_"m.m.."."........._"___________,,_.._.._..........,""'_, <br />iStaff is requesting direction from the City Council on how to proceed with the Lake Johanna Improvement Society request and also on thei <br />i possibility of requesting assistance from the PTRC in drafting a Wild Animal Management Policy. ' <br /> <br />~laffiIRli9!iiiD~Dnati~'i~1,~~i:"E~%sll@fl~~n_______.._m.._..m........."."."_"____________.._................."."_"~____________......................."_"_"___________.._...m............."."~"_".___________'"__mm........."...."_"___________...m......"......"."___________...m.....m...."."_.____________________.. <br />!Staff is requesting direction from the City Council on how to proceed with the Lake Johanna Improvement Society request and also on the <br />j possibility of requesting assistance from the PTRC in drafting a Wild Animal Management Policy. <br /> <br /> <br />iPlanning: <br /> <br />iPTRC: <br /> <br />06/19/07 <br /> <br />- ~, <br />iThe PTRC recommends the.City of Arden Hills contribute $500 to'the Lake <br />IJohanna Improvement Society Goose Removal Program for 2007. The motion i <br />i carried 6-1. <br /> <br />fIlWPO'iiIl~~~j;;unre~tslq'(ij'~~~.. <br />j X iMemo/Letter: . Dated 06/20/07 from Michelle Olson, Parks and Recreation Manager <br /> <br />iResolution No.: <br /> <br />------..........."..--------- --............""_ ___"__...........""________ _n...........".".________ .._............"...._"______ _................."____________ <br /> <br />'Ordinance No.: <br /> <br />;------.. <br /> <br />!Engineering Recommendation: <br />"-.. i----- --.... ...."..."."~-------- ..._................".~. <br />iAttorney Recommendation: <br /> <br />~.. <br />, <br /> <br />10/16/06 City Council Work Session Minutes; Request letter from Lake-Johanna ImprovemenfSociety -1 <br />dated 03/15/2007, Response letter from Karen Barton dated 3/26/07, and public inquiry information <br />provided from Jennie Michels at the May 29, 2007 Regular Council Meeting. <br /> <br />i X iOther: <br /> <br />c. <br /> <br />tIllliIfane1attQ1Rr(calloni~~li~~tlll[ifijmJ . <br />. If the City Council chooses to contribute to the Lake Johanna Improvement Society, in previous years it lias been charged to the General <br />Fund - Mayor & Council- Miscellaneous Community Projects. However. this $500 contribution was not put in the budget for 2007. <br /> <br />................ ...."~_._____ _..n ......... ."."~~~"_______ _............ ."._"."~_"__ ................" "._ _ _ ___ __.............. .".". ."_ _ _ _ ..... . . .."." "."_ _ _ _ _ ..__.. .... ... <br /> <br /> <br />\\\ardenhills\PR&PW\Parks\Memos\Council Actions\Wild Animal Management 607.doc <br />