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EN HILLS <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2008-005 <br />AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CITY COUNCIL VOTING REQUIREMENTS <br />The Arden Hills Council hereby ordains that Section 210.04, Subd. 5 of the Arden Hills <br />City Code is amended to read as follows: <br />When a question is put to the Council by the chair, every present member shall vote <br />unless for special reasons the Council shall excuse him or her; or if a conflict of interest may <br />exists, he or she shall not vote_ In cases where the direction of the vote is in doubt, the chair may <br />direct, or any member may demand, that a division vote be taken. The yeas and nays shall be <br />called upon a requisitieu request by the chair or any member, in which case the names of the <br />members voting are required to be recorded in the minutes. Except as otherwise provided in this <br />code, or when a different vote is required by law, a majority vate of those present shall b <br />^Ft three (3) affirmative votes of the City Council shall be required to approve any <br />question posed to the Council. <br />ADOPTION DATE: Passed by the Arden Hills City Council on the 28°i day of April, 2008. <br />EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be effective the day following its publication. <br />Dated: Y, 0 1 2008 <br />Stanley D. H stead, May r <br />ATTEST: <br />ame G. Willis, Interim City Administrator <br />PUBLICATION DATE: Published on the f� 7%ay of r `d` 2008_ <br />