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<br /> S'IATE OF MIbTI3VSUTA tioaal $500.110 of eoet of repsir The Eee Provis~iou f:het*eat a^oeite¢.
<br /> C~OUNTY' QF R.Ab33EY or iasts11a1ri~ua. as P h3 are
<br /> VII.L.`AGE UF AILDF~t HILIA (e) Gas Bnrnera ox Gaa $urnwr Ek1uiD- their ~ntdrety ~.nd the t4~laxVt~xg
<br /> . ORDIN'ANCE 1~70. 126 sn~Cib~ted tkiarefor: .
<br /> . 9N OILDINANGE AMPiNDSNG QRDI- 1u~t, and Oit Baraera 3
<br /> NANCE NO. 99, THE BUILDING CODT. T~ following ~.11 replace ia its ~ c~
<br /> .:nttrety this ~traviafon as 3t Ps'~- Pa~ftg s~e re¢u~i ~t ~
<br /> BY REYTSING THE PEBMIT FF.ES . an air conditiogi~ng s~
<br /> enLls ats: retigel"
<br /> F(?H PLUMBSNCx ADTD SFWAGL DIS- (1) No gps barneas. Sas burner, attun wEtrk shall 1e- charged 3a
<br /> pOSAL, EL90fRICAL, AND HEATING s with the
<br /> lnrnace ax boiler eqluYptnent, , or ,
<br /> ANp AIR CUNDITIONING • AND PRO- suheainYe:
<br /> VID1NG PR4VISPON3 RLGA$.DING oil hurners ahaLl be tnatalled, s1-
<br /> tered or repaixed withont First (8) 'A ~'~t ~ ~ 1or
<br /> $F3ATING PI.AN4S. TNCINEB.ATOBS, abtainiAS s P~'mit therefor from t4te fir~t five tqaris tw; auy sIr
<br /> AND GA5 1SIP7NG. the Clerk-Admsnistrator an ap- cdndi?,tondag or reft' tt
<br /> ' The Village (bnncil af the Village oF plicatio~ ta . be sade on forzm FmJeeL, ~viClt ase ed~! fe~
<br /> ` Ardan Hil~e does herebr ordain as #01- of $1:90 Eor ~dt add5t~na!' ta~a
<br /> irrovided hy the Clerk•Admin~-
<br /> 1°ws° t3ralor, wkich aFPlieatioa shall t+s #Y•ath~lan Eh~~+wt +U. *e
<br /> Beetion 1. Amendment of Bnildiag Per- be accompsaled bv fees as foi- orisival Pive tow, bu1; Fft s
<br /> mit Fees in 8ection 308(a), Table $-A- Iows, to-wit:sn~,aimum 6f- $1~.~+9_ Pe~ .
<br /> The 8uildiag Code. Sectian 3018(s) of the
<br /> Tlaifotm Buildiag Code, AdaFBed bY ref- (a) Permit Fees of $7.60 eaeh l~y) In mdditton ~t~ f
<br /> aha11 he eiiarged`fqr inatalia-
<br /> ereence ss a part o4 the Buitding Cade af t9on o€ oil and gae burners ar ln8 permdt feo,'s p4rmi~ lea
<br /> the Village o4 Arden Hilla. Ordinaace slteratioas therein wiiich in- ~$15.00 abaB be r m
<br /> Na 93, is herebF aanended with reePect the #ir~t five -ttitis tl$ bE~Erl~~
<br /> ° volve a B1`U input uf. 2~?D,OOD
<br /> Y4 Table B-A, apq~earing at psge SI- of for not wo-rk $c~r ~
<br /> the Building Codp in the #oliowing xe- °a' leas. 'witb an additional f~e t.iotsffi an w ~
<br /> ith
<br /> i~Decte: 1~rfW,.S1.000 2~5 STfor each e8ditian$1 al fe~e oY ~$].651 #at~ ewch ' Ean
<br /> tTe or fraation
<br /> (a) P?smbing ~snd Sewsge Dispesal thereof bepond the sdditional ower the ,araBirnw five tom; of
<br /> gx.~~an of a f,o~.
<br /> Permit Tees.' E@1QGOQ, with s maximusn fee
<br /> For cesspool, drainfield or secptie fvr eseh unit aP S'I76,00, (1) Ye4ttdlatittg Systems.
<br /> tank (anY two 6hersuP) -----$7.b4 t 'rhe folZawfug is add~ i~ ~le
<br /> F6r each add+bianal Yixture or Yix- ~ 8team ~r HoE Water ot ~Vsrm Air Hestisg SPa 3.A 1~isbely ~r *'A?a~ ~ontTi~
<br /> te~.
<br /> .
<br /> ture uPan:ng .46 Tdie Provis3ans thereof 4n Tab3e & tioninR and $e#rigeraLiaa WosJer'
<br /> ' For inapeotion of a ehangeover Yend~i{a systemr
<br /> troan eesspool or dre,infield sewage ~~e ~trieken irt their entirety Nb ~hall itegan t~ i~fe~slr
<br /> sssteme fi~o mupEelae1 eanitarp eew- ead the following ~ss}~titn~ted there- ~p
<br /> er systema =$7•.@n v uIo~l~f,7~ ~tebn ~U #
<br /> (b) Except as hefwn prov}~d, the ea- No nor $ s ~ °r hOt water system
<br /> nnit heater ehsll be ia- ~,Arden Hxlia wi,tko~ £~~''z
<br /> isting gerntit fees for plvmbYng etailed, nrn aIteratione or ~ddi-- ta€nfng` a Pek~G th~ i`~
<br /> and sewa8e d~Poeal sre confitmed. Cions tA a steem or hot water the Gierk.AfthAsOaCar. 'arH*
<br /> (c) Electric WYring Permits ani Pet- Syekem rxmade, without firet ab- apo]scetivn #ox eueli paraiits tb
<br /> mit Feee. taining a Dermi,t theretor i'rozn be rea"e ou farms pro'Alnd by .
<br /> The nrovisiane relating thereto in the plerk-2admiicietrator, oalth the Gterk-Ailminiattroor, and :sq-
<br /> Table 3.A are hereby ettleken in application to fie made an 4orttie °Onva°~~ ~fees as berein
<br /> tLelr eatirety m.nd the fDi'luW]ng Bvpplied by the G1erk-E4daninis- vided:
<br /> . anhetituted therePar: ti^ator, and the alrPlieatian shall (k) A Permit fee~ #S:$b 1"~
<br /> .rst $OOU C With oA '
<br /> No altzrationa ar ndditiane In the ~ accom,T~Sed by fe~ as fal. the i3
<br /> ex3sting eleetric miring in any 1aare: addstiwaal fee of $L4U for eich
<br /> building ahsll be maile nar ahsll (1) A Dc+i'mut fee Por ihe eon• add3t5a1?a.l 200 , CPM c+r 3'`ta¢-
<br /> any eleetric wirinS'be.Ple:r.ed in atruotian or Installslian uf anY V011 tWend Per ahit.
<br /> • any bailding withant firat secur- warm air thrnace duet wnrk (2) A. tee oF $3.Og few "eli
<br /> 5ng a PFrmit there£ar, ~ $hall be. chas'ged at the rate af bathieoa+i eshaust fstat ottoFUed
<br /> APplieationa for such Beranfts $15.00 for the firet 200.600 $1T? in a. mulY3p~e ~we11i~S.
<br /> alsall be f31ed with the Clerk-Ad- lnpnt, witlt an additional fee o-t Beetfun AddEtiasal 11e #k
<br /> • ministrator oP tLe pfl7age oa $24D for eaah add'ational 11i9,000 VUDR. Seetion 801(c) of the 'AniLora
<br /> = forms to be pn'ovided by the BTL7s or frsction tliereo2 over '&aiIdinB Obde hetfigmimo referrcd tu fa
<br /> . Gle1k-Administrator, and shall be an8 atmve the ort8inal 240;000 iietebv smended to add thereFaa the fol.
<br /> ' aacampanied by fees Pea' the BTIJe, towdug &eatem:e e'
<br /> schedule of fees adopted b9 the • (2) A Permit fee of 81~6.00 yer . Im edditiort thereto plans ft~}' aii ep~- `
<br /> 5tate Board of Electrlcity aad i unit flar the installatioh or re- me~cisl heQtin$, ~r cou1i4aait?g e¢v.d
<br /> M1~ set forth in ChsPter One-Elae. Placement ef e9sh steam or hat ventdlation musL be anbmiLted by' the
<br /> 140. rdater aystem, based npon the heatina contt+qc9tbt- with the appUeoUgs
<br /> The prsvisions af Sections 386.03, first 2AO,00-0 BTU input therea4. for a'germit far sneh woek.
<br /> 326.243, 326:246. and 326246, sii with Sn addttional fee of $2.00 $ectioa Amenddrent af Cedi ,
<br /> relatiug to befin3tions, Wetq for eseh additionsl 100,060 B1`Ua 7Re Ineinerataxa, Ser,tift 6Iog(a) tIf t,i*e
<br /> Standa.rds, and aim3lsr matters, ac _fraction thereaR, over and UaLfom 8uildang Gude as' hs1vis
<br /> aPPesr?ng ~b.p~e 4.de9 r~#: t~s
<br /> contained in the Minnesota Elec- sYiove the briginal 200,409 $T[T8. ~f
<br /> trical Ach, shsil aPPly for sl] (3) A Permkt fee oE $1;54 per Hwilrling 4'iade, is her2bp smendad its qdd
<br /> purpcraea in the V4llege of Arden . unit oat anit heatera, besed ulwn ~ereto the foalosving 'eeteEettve, ,tp.trStz
<br /> Hilis, said Proviaions being set the first 100,000 $TU inDut It sha11 be s mittimum
<br /> faath,in Minneaots Statutes An- thereop, w3f,h an additionat fee hereunder ~cluerut?rs`=WA be
<br /> ~ notated. . of $1.25 #Qr egah addi$ional 160: aerNted into a Class A ild+zsk °aritla e bell
<br /> :t~
<br /> (d), Gas APPliaace Permite. ' 000 BTUs ar {raestioa tbereof - ~le flue ox eqnal, as 'by
<br /> Paragra.PLs 1(s) snd (L) thereof over the ortgLval 160,000 BTUs. , vi}ra.Ae heating inspeetar,
<br /> e.re hereby deleted and the #ollow' (g) Incineratora. See~n 4. Amen~ent ~
<br /> ing substituted the~eefor: The PTOniei.on in Table 3-A "Por, ~'ode ~e In~Celfaf•iop of Gsa ~tg. Sec-
<br /> (a~) A permit fee of $6.00 aha[I T~able Inciners~tnrs" ie herebg etrfck- ~slw(a) a£ the Untfiutp; 'eg -
<br /> be ohar8ed for each machine, de- ea in its entirety aad the €oli~owing C~ ~
<br /> vice, heater, ranSe, refrigerator, &ubstituted Lherefar under the ea~- tO ~~e. follow~~g ~~r}~
<br /> gas dd,ryer, e'as atove, ga9 hot tion "IncinQr$tars.•• !to said Seoou, mh3eh apPears at :pa8e
<br /> water heater or other e~pPlianee Incineratore. No ineinerators 442 af tlie Buildin~ Code:
<br /> ~ . Ail Sas~ PiPilg n'i"t b8 dvDe bg al; riLOa-
<br /> , requiriig the use of manufactnr- shall be ineWled without fLLrsst ~~tber d~~ Hoezaed unda the -
<br /> ed traa, natu•ral gag, or ]aqwid Pe- obbain.ing a permit theri?dar frum, laws of the BLate o2 Minne"ta.
<br /> troleum gas. the Olerk-AdtWndatrator Puicuan•t F3ectioa 6, gffective 7lste. Thts tlir&
<br /> ~ (b) A Permit fee aP $5.00 based to aPPlioat3uas made upun #erms aauee ahall be eiPective fron the date ol'
<br /> on a valuation af $600.00 or less suPplied by the Clerk-Adtninis-. ite paswgge szuI p-abIiea#3aa.
<br /> on the cost af the regair.or, in- trator, and acoompanied by a fee i
<br /> ' stallsbfon ahall be ehsrged for of $6.00 for the instaliatian or F'w,`+ed 1?s the Caunehl oP A2"dm I011a
<br /> Bea giPing or each additional repsir od each domcstie ineiner- tluis .&th day ug I}eoember; 1SlQB:
<br /> hranoh DiPe if such in reqnired star, or '$24.40 fax' the inatalla- E. W. .BJOrndabI, mam
<br /> far the instadlation of any aPP1i= t'an ar repsif of a cammeftisl Attest;
<br /> snces inchided vRder the prE- ineineratau: Larrs6ae E. 8tramnufst
<br /> ceding Paragranh, with an eddi- (~M) A3s Conditioning and ItefrigeratMn `(lerk-Admfaietrstor ,
<br /> tional fee of $LQO`for each addi- Wmk. (Hadletis:.beo. 18,. 1051
<br /> f~ .
<br /> - , z
<br /> ,r~-. . - . . . - . . - . . . : , .
<br /> ~ , . . . . . . . - . . . , . . . . . . . ,
<br /> e, - . . . . _ .
<br /> Frq ~ - . . . , . . . . . _ . . . . ` ' . ' .
<br /> . . - . ' . . . . . . ' . _ - . - . . - . . . ' . . . . . - - 'p ~
<br /> _ ' • • _ / t '~a ~
<br /> - ' . . , n . - 0 _ , . Y ..s.+.! '~~i+.s • _ ~ ..ysEy'v' "Y:
<br /> ~
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